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"Dad... um it's time to take me to the platform, the trains going to be leaving shortly."

"You know how to fly a broom do you not." Snape responds coldly.

"Yes father, but I can't exactly fly a broom in front of thousands of muggles now can i? As a professor at the school that literally teaches this, I thought you would know this."

"But obviously not..." I mutter under my breathe.

"I have my own things to deal with today Ophelia, sorry for not being able to be the doting father you so desperately crave." He shoots back at me.

"I didn't think asking for my father to take me to the platform for my first year at Hogwarts was to much to ask for but never mind I will just risk expulsion and your reputation might I add and fly there, wouldn't want to impose on all the things you have to deal with today."

With a deep sigh Snape gets up off of the couch and retrieves his keys.

"Well come on Ophelia."

Giddily I walk behind him happy with my victory.

We get into the car and silence quickly fills the air.

"You know what I hate" I say


"That saying the muggles use uh what is it? Oh yeah! How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood, cause like they can chuck wood right? And if they can't why are they called wood chucks the whole thing is just a bloody mess."

"Ophelia could you just be quite?"

"Yes sir."

I think to myself, when did he become like this? He used to be the father that every kid growing up wanted, the one who never missed anything going on in their kids life, the one who genuinely wanted to be there; and then one day everything shifted. He no longer asked me how my day was, the family dinners stopped, hell I couldn't even tell you the last time I heard him say I love you. I remember the day it happened perfectly I came home and hugged him like I always did except the action was not reciprocated I moved on from this and begin telling him about my day to which he responded, "Opehlia shut your mouth, for one damn second" I was silent even if I wanted to talk I knew I wouldn't have been able to properly form a sentence. From that day on things just got worse and worse and the father I once knew was no longer.

"Ophelia... Ophelia!" My father says loudly beside me breaking me out of my trance.

"Oh sorry, whats wrong?"

"Nothing we have arrived however."

"Oh... okay." I slowly make my way out of the car retrieving my things

After I retrieve my things, I walk over to my father's window and lean in and kiss him on the cheek and mutter, "I love you dad."

I see something flash over his face; pain, guilt, sadness? The look was gone before I could really even understand what it was.

Before I have a chance to question it further, he drives off and I'm left alone.

I look around seeing a sea of orange hair, in the other direction I see a girl who seems to be about my age with a man who I assume is her father.

A stand still for a bit not quite knowing what to do, wishing that my father hadn't of left me so quickly.

The girl runs through a wall and just as quickly runs out screaming, "OH MY GOD, I AM A WITCH YOU WERE RIGHT!"

I walk over hoping they could lead me in the right direction.

"Hey, you might not wanna scream that you're a witch, just a thought." I say sarcastically. 

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