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"Father are we even sure I'm a witch, what if they made some sort of mistake and sent the letter to the wrong Winifred Simone Lupin."

"Well then I guess they'll have to get rid of you because I, Remus John Lupin, cannot have a muggle for a daughter."

"I knew it, I guess I shall take it into my own hands and walk to the orphanage right now." I grab my only essential needed for travel, my amazing pet ferret, Pippin, and I start walking to the door.

"Oh that's nonsense Winnie," he said walking over to me, "You are a witch, an amazing one at that. You are going to walk into that castle and you are going to create some of the best memories of your life. I promise darling you will love it there."

"You better be right father, if not then me and Pippin are running away forever." I stated walking back over to my trunk to finish packing.

"Yes alright sounds fair." He kissed my forehead and started to walk out the door.

"What if you're wrong though?"

"What are you talking about love?"

"What if you're wrong? What if I don't belong there? What if I don't make any memories and have the worst time of my life? I'm not that likeable or interesting so nobody will even think of becoming my friend." Tears started forming in my eyes.

"Darling don't ever say that. You are a very capable, talented girl and anyone who dare say otherwise is completely out of their head. Now come on we'll be late to the train."

After I calmed down we packed my things into the car and drove for about an hour before we got to Kings Cross Station. We grabbed my stuff out of the car and started walking to the platform.

"Ok love when we get there all you need to do is run straight at the walls between platform 9 and 10. Now if your speculations are correct and you are in fact not a witch then you will probably get a concussion, but no need to worry about that." He explained while I was pushing my cart with all of my luggage.

"Wait a bloody second. You expect me to run full force at a wall and pray to Merlin that I go through it? Nope I'm not buying you just want me to make a fool of myself in front of all these muggles."

"Winnie, I promise you that I am telling the truth," He reassured me, stopping in front of a wall, "Just run through the wall I promise you, you will go through."

"You're lucky that I trust you wolfman. Here we go!" I squeezed my eyes shut and started running expecting to crash straight into the wall, but I did not. I opened my eyes and saw a sign that read Platform 9 3/4. It worked! I let go of my cart and ran straight back out the wall.


"Hey you might not wanna scream that you're a witch, just a thought."

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