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"Oh my God! Dad, it's a muggle... Shhhhh you heard nothing!!" Winnie says panicking.

"Well I heard you say you're a witch and somehow go through the wall... So that's something."

"DAD! DAD THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE ME TO AZKABAN I WON'T SURVIVE IN AZKABAN DAD...we have to um um lumos her, so she forgets!"

Lupin looks at Winnie confused.

"You mean obliviate." Ophelia responds.

"YES OBLIVIATE-wait a minute how'd you know that." Winnie says inspecting Ophelia.

"Well when your dad is the wannabe DAA teacher and the potions teacher you have to pick up things quickly"

"Wait your dads- big nose moth- uh I mean Snape?"

Winnie nudges Lupin slightly in his ribs as if telling him to shush.

"Dad, i think she may be a witch."

"You may be on to something my dear." Lupin agreed.

Ophelia interjects, "I do happen to be a witch, but i'm struggling just a bit on how to get to the express would you-"

"Leave that to me." Winnie responds giddily.

Winnie begins to demonstrate how to get to the express, she proceeds to run towards a wall like she had just done moments ago; however, this time Lupin scoops her up before she can make it to the wall. Ophelia snickers at the interaction while Winnie is utterly confused.

"I was just trying to show-"

"Ophelia." Ophelia informed.

"Ophelia! How to get to the express, now she'll never know." Winnie's voice trailed off.

"Well hun, unfortunately you were headed towards the wrong wall." Lupin advised Winnie, who still looked confused.

"Well let me try again!" Winnie sighs exasperatedly wiggling out of Lupin's grip.

"Um just a thought- maybe- just maybe we should have the man who didn't just run straight towards a wall teach me."

"Well how else was I supposed to learn dummy?"





Lupin stands in between the two girls attempting not to break out into fits of laughter, arguments like these seemed so familiar to him it was delightful seeing Winnie interact with someone the way he once did with some of his closest friends.

"Girls, while this is truly amusing if you don't get on the express soon you'll be the oldest of the first years when you are actually able to attend Hogwarts NEXT year."

He continues, "Now Ophelia was it-?"she nods, "what you have to do is run at the wall, but be sure there's no doubt in your mind otherwise you risk doing what Winnie almost just did."

Ophelia nods once again and speaks a grateful thank you towards Lupin. She then runs towards the wall attempting to push out all of her doubts, she manages to successfully make it through the wall where she patiently waits for the girls she had met on the other side, assuming she had wanted to say goodbye to her father.

Remus turns towards his daughter with a grin plastered across his face, "See darling I told you, you're making friends already."

Winnie smiles in response and hugs her dad tightly saying goodbye feeling more confident to conquer Hogwarts with her newly made friend. She let go of him and started running towards the platform.


Ophelia looks around at all the other students boarding the express when she hears a crash she glances over and sees Winnie on the floor, her stuff scattered around her.

Ophelia immediately runs over to help wanting to return the favor.

"I've known you for what? 10 minutes and you've almost gotten hurt twice." Ophelia giggles.

Winnie laughs and scrambles to her knees to assist Ophelia in collecting her things.

"Oh god I'm sorry I'm.. I'm such a klutz I didn't mean to drop all my stuff a-and now you're gonna be late..." Winnie started panicking.

"Hey Winnie, take a breath. It's fine, I was waiting for you anyways, I wanted to know if you wanted to sit together on the way there?"

Winnie's face lights up, "Yeah of course, I would love that!"

All of Winnie's scattered items have now been picked up and restored to their proper places. Ophelia is the first to stand up, extending a hand to Winnie which she gladly accepts. Winnie grabs her items and the two girls walk side by side onto the train that will bring them to the place where they not only experience their happiest memories but some of the worst ones as well.

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