The Twins

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The two girls are eventually able to find an empty compartment. They sit side by side and almost instantaneously Winnie pulls out a small furry creature.

"Holy crap! What kind of long rat hybrid thing is that?" Ophelia remarks poking the furry creature with a puzzled look spread across her face.


"I said what I said."

"Pippin is not a rat, he's the cutest little ferret in the whole world. Yes he is." Winnie says cooing the last part.

"Do you have any furry friends hidden anywhere that I could meet?"

"You could say that..." Ophelia responds, putting her hand into her pocket and pulling out a palm sized frog with vivid green skin, "this is Piccolo. Would you like to hold him?"

"Oh no, it is quite ok." Winnie cringes looking at the green amphibian in Ophelia's hands.

"Oh no I insist he is the sweetest thing ever you'll love him." Ophelia abruptly places Piccolo into Winnie's small hands, she immediately freezes.

"Have either of you seen a toad named Trevor this kid Neville can't seem to find him?" A bushy haired girl who seemed to be in our year asked.

"NO!" Both Ophelia and Winnie shout instantaneously trying to hide Piccolo, scared the rather demanding sounding girl would just take him and give him to the boy.

"What's that you have there then?"

The girls remain silent.

"Hello? I asked a question, would someone care to answer."

"My frog. Now instead of asking about my frog why don't we go look for your friends toad."

The two girls walk past the bushy haired girl ready to look for this kid Neville's toad.


Ophelia and Winnie look up and down the aisles of the train hoping to find the toad. Winnie slightly hoping Ophelia finds Trevor, because if she had that means she might have to touch it.

"Winnie, you see anything?"

"No, you?"

"Yes, that's why I'm asking if you found anything."

"Should we check in different compartments like the girl was doing?"

"I mean we can, we should probably start at the front and work our way back so we don't miss anything."

Winnie nods in agreement and follows Ophelia to the front of the train. They walk from compartment to compartment reciting what the girl who they learned to be named Hermione had said to them, to which everyone responded that they hadn't seen anything.

They eventually go through every compartment except the final one in the farthest corner of the train.They repeat the actions they did for the other compartments except this time when they open the door to the room Ophelia recognizes two of the gingers she had seen earlier on the platform.

"Hello loves, how can we help you?" The two identical looking gingers say almost in sync.

Ophelia speaks first, "We were wondering if anyone had seen a toad?"

"Hmm... no don't believe we have."

"Okay thank you we'll leave you be if you happen to see one let us know please."

"Well hold on a second, we have these chocolate frogs and we've just eaten so many already but we have two left it would just be an awful shame to waste them." The slightly taller twin says.

"Would either of you like them?"

The boys behind them begin smiling and laughing, which Ophelia immediately takes notices of.

"Yeah of course, I love chocolate frogs!" Winnie excitedly responds.

The laughing gets slightly louder.

"Do you mind if we go and tell Neville we didn't find his frog, we'll gladly come back and eat them. We just want to make sure he doesn't think we have given up."

The twins look at one another and nod in unison each handing them a chocolate frog.

Winnie and Ophelia exit the compartment and Winnie begins to walk towards where they had last seen Hermione while Ophelia stays almost directly outside the compartment they had just exited.

"Get back here!"

"I thought we were going to go tell that boy-" Winnie looks at Ophelia with a slightly confused face.

"That was just to get us out of there- this might sound weird but i have a weird feeling about these frogs."

"Stop being so paranoid, why do you think that?"

"Well first off all the boys in there started laughing when they handed us the frogs and secondly why would they give 2 strangers chocolate frogs when i saw them earlier with a huge family- and four members of that big family went through the platform." Ophelia informed Winnie of her suspicions.

"Oh... I guess that makes sense."

"I say we turn it around on them."

Mischievous smiles spread across both of their faces. Ophelia opens the door to the compartment and all the boys' faces light up.

"Go on eat them..." One of the ginger boys urged them.

As the girls unwrap their chocolate frogs the frogs immediately jump and begin biting the twins repeatedly.

"Ah fuck! George what the hell it was supposed to be a tickling charm not a god damn- what even is this?"

"A biting charm." Ophelia replies sarcastically.

A look of confusion is written all over the people sitting in the compartments faces whereas the twins just look completely in awe.

"You guys made it just a bit obvious that something was going on, luckily I remembered one of the jinxes my father had taught me."

"Oh my god! That's absolutely brilliant nobody has outsmarted us before-"

"We will take you in."

"You will take us in?" Ophelia asked confused by what the boy had said.

"Yes, we will take you in. You are now our first years and us your third years and we will teach you the ways of being the coolest students at school." The other ginger boy informed the girls of what his brother had meant.

"Finally we won't have to carry the weight of being the only badasses in school on our shoulders."

"I think it's been proven that we are indeed more badass than you, so we won't even need you, don't you think Winnie?"

"Oh ya I think we can handle it." Winnie replied agreeing with Ophelia.

"There you are, I've been looking for the two of you everywhere I just wanted to tell you we found Trevor, so there is no need to continue searching." Hermione, who they hadn't seen coming, informed them.

"Oh okay awesome. Ophelia, do you wanna just head back to our compartment then?"

Ophelia nods in response and they turn to exit but the two twins are standing in front of them.

"Did you not hear us, you're our first years rather you like it or not, you're staying."

"Even if we had wanted to stay it seems you're at capacity in here, maybe next year." Ophelia remarked sarcastically.

"I suppose we'll just have to follow you to your compartment then."

The girls don't bother arguing because secretly they are intrigued by the two twins, so instead they just walk back to their compartment, the twins following closely behind.

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