History Repeats

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"Oph are you sure you'll be fine for class? You seem kind of out of it." Winnie looked worriedly at her friend, to which Ophelia pressed her pointer against the girl's lips and shushed her. 

"Inside voices my love." 

They make their way into the classroom, Ophelia trudging sluggishly behind Winnifred, both of them taking their seats in the assigned desks. 

"Ophelia Snape if you came to class just to sleep then I am going to ask you kindly to please step out." Professor McGonagall said slightly tapping Ophelia's shoulder, who was confused as to when she had fallen asleep. 

"Sorry, it won't happen again." Ophelia replied sitting up straight. 

"I hope it will not, but I will excuse this time because class is going to be ending, I suggest you get the notes from Miss Lupin." Ophelia couldn't tell but she had thought she saw a smile making its way onto the professor's face as she glanced between the two students.  

"Uhh, what up professor?" 

"Oh nothing, it's quite amusing to see history repeating itself, now you should be getting to your next classes girls." 

The girls watched as she walked away and looked at each other with confused faces, though they shrugged it off and headed towards potions to avoid being late. 

They ran through the halls and stumbled into the potion's classroom early miraculously.

"Today we will be brewing angels trumpet drought, does anyone know the purpose of this potion?"

"Reverses the effects of paralysis," Ophelia answers.

"You will do well to not speak out of turn- what are you wearing?"

"A sweater?"

"Are you colorblind or do you just resent your house that much?"

"Must you ask?"

"Take it off."


"Being a traitor of your own house will not get you very far here." 

"Well pops it was either this clean sweater or a vomit-stained shirt, which would you have picked?"

Snape stared at her for a couple of more seconds, then continued on with his pre-lesson speech. 

After potions class, Ophelia and Winnie went on with their day and attended the rest of their scheduled classes, meeting back up in the great hall for dinner a few hours later. 

They took their seats beside Fred and George across the table from one another.

"Look who just can't get enough of us." Fred boasted, grinning at the two first years. 

"Oh, Fred once I get to my laundry, I'll give you this back."

"Nah, it's fine it was getting too small anyway, plus you'll need merch for when you come to the games."

"You play?" Ophelia questions. 

"Both me and Fred do, best beaters in all of Hogwarts if I do say so myself."

"Of course, you do. Winifred why the hell are you sticking apple slices into your bag "

"Pippin needs to eat Ophelia leave us alone." 

"Anyways, Ophelia, do you play?" 

"No, I do not." 

After that small interaction the group of friends trailed off and started discussing other various topics. 

"So, Winnie what exactly possessed you to get a ferret?" George asked the girl, eyeing the small animal in her hands. 

"Noodle rat, very cute." 

"I mean, I guess that is good reasoning." 

"Hey why do you call him rat but when I do it you yell at me." Ophelia asks looking at Winnie suspiciously. 

"I do it out of love, you do it out of pure hatred Ophelia." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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