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Arlo watched as the two stood across from each other, counting down once more to signal the start of the fight.


As Jax stood across Levi, he could feel the shiver crawl over his spine at the ice cold glare he received from the shorter man.

In that moment he had no hope left to win the fight, instead he aimed to make it the best fight he could nonetheless.

He knew he couldn't head into this fight hot headed, he wanted to last, at least for a little while.

They both took position as Arlo finished his countdown, none of them moving for a split second that seemed to last an eternity.

Without any prior notice, not even the clench of a muscle, or a shimmer in his eyes, Levi launched forward, throwing a punch that Jax barely was in time for to dodge. It seemed like out of nowhere Levi had thrown everything in a punch, within a split second he had gone from standing completely still to moving at such an incredible speed.

It was purely on Jax's instinct that he managed to dodge that, side stepping the punch and attempting to throw a kick in return at Levi who rushed past him. Levi instead dropped to the ground, using one leg to tackle Jax's from underneath his body.

For a second even he thought the fight was over, and he questioned how you had managed to make a fight against him last for as long as you did.

Jax managed to roll away just in time to avoid Levi, jumping up and turning to Levi before throwing a punch at him. He had also jumped up as soon as he realized Jax had evaded his attack.

He used his forearm to push away Jax's arm, redirecting the punch to go past him as Jax lost his balance for a split second.

In comparison to him Levi was short, but he was fast. A speed that seriously rivalled yours. Besides that he was strong, most likely stronger than Jax.

Jax turned around, as fast as he could and by doing so accidentally managed to dodge another punch sent by Levi.

Jax took the moment to launch his own punch, right into Levi's shoulder.

Levi allowed Jax to hit as he jumped behind him, his foot moving to kick him right at the back of his knee caps to force him on the ground once more.

Jax instead decided to flee, jumping forward and making a roll over to ground to get out of the situation and jumping up and turning around to get faced with an upper cut, right in his stomach.

Jax gasped as he attempted to recover, grabbing Levi's jacket by it's shoulders and taking full adventage of his height, Jax pulled the clothing down and past him.

Levi lost his balance for a small moment and was quick enough to grab the back of Jax's shirt as he fell, forcing the other male with him.

He was quick to roll over and sit up, taking adventage of the surprised Jax as he moved on top of him, quickly grabbing his wrists and pinning them down.

Behind him Arlo gave them a final count down, and within a second Demian stood beside Jax with wide eyes, pulling the male up as they rambled on what just happened. Demian was pleasantly surprised at how long Jax had managed, and to be completely fair, Jax was too.

Levi stood up as you walked towards him, meeting half way with a small amused smirk on your face.

He rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue as you offered your hand, despite that he did accept it, clasping it in yours.

You turned back to the group, knowing that Lillian and Akame were left as the two females shot smirks at each other. 

"I hope you know I'm not resting until I've defeated you." You smirked at the male beside you as you moved back to the place you had watched the fights from before as Lillian and Akame walked over to the spot you had picked as fight range.

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