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"Oi, brat where do you think you're going?" Well speak of all the cleaning fairies. I didn't bother to turn around to shorty. Instead I decided to take a run for it. Sheesh this seems more and more like a workout yet I still haven't been able to find my team...

I heard him chase behind me as I fastened my pace. I swear can't those idiots leave me alone?!

After a few minutes I heard him whisper something, obviously not meant for my ears though as I explained the reason already, I still heard it. (Our senses got trained in the military, sight, smelling and hearing).

"How's a midget like her so fast?"

After another minute he grabbed my arm, I turned around facing him.

"Now you got me. What do you want?"

"You're gonna put into trail brat."

Trail? Yay probably a dead sentence for me, after already having done everything I had until now. I didn't make a lot of friends for the short while I was in this world.

He made me walk before him and before we turned back to the entrance of the alley, better known as into public, I felt a shock come from my knee holes. I fell to the front, and before I could say anything I felt a stinging pain come from the side on my head.

I felt the black and fuzzy darkness consume me as I knew I was falling unconscious. The darkness consumed me before I even had a chance to do anything.

Small timeskip

I woke up on a bed in some kind of dungeon, my wrists bound to some chains that were attached to the wall.

"So you are finally awake..." I sat up straight and saw Eyebrows on the outside of I assume the cellar I was in.

"Took her long enough." Shorty commented as I saw him stand behind the chair Browtastic was sitting on.

I also noticed another fact, that I did not appreciate.

"WHO CHANGED MY CLOTHES?!" Yells out noticing right know I was wearing some uncomfortable pajamas instead of my usual sweatpants and shirt.

"I did brat." Wait wait wait wait WAIT! you are telling me Captain Shorty changed my clothes and secondly had undressed me?!


"Oi, brat calm down.. You are still wearing the same underwear so I didn't see that and for all I know the guys in the alley didn't see more than I did." Guys in the alley... HOW DOES HE KNOW ABOUT THIS?!

"Firstly, I was able to do something to them SINCE I WAS FUCKING CONSCIOUS!
And third, HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAD HAPPENED THERE YOU MORRON?!" Every second I was losing more and more of my composure. I saw him grin, wait was this what he wanted? To break me? Well though luck for him cause as soon as I'm out of this god damn place he's dead.

"Well to answer your questions, I saw a group of guys walking out of an alley with one wounded, and after seeing that cut that could only be you that made it. They came up to us to tell us about your behavior in that alley."

"Self defense, that's in the law so you can't put me on trail for that."

"Maybe I can't for that midget, but I can for numerous other things you did. Just let me give you a brief description on what you've done.
1. You struggled while we were taking you into custody.
2. You were outside the walls without permission
3. Insulting higher ups.
And so on and on brat."

"Let me dismantle those reasons for a second here Shorty. First, Who wouldn't if you were threatened and forced to come with without a clear explanation.
Second, I didn't even knew there were walls so theoretically I would get off with a warning. And even then it was on own risk.
Third, who wouldn't when there are so many things to insult you about?
Fourth, you aren't tall enough to be a real higher up. Really you have no case...

Now that I think about it.... I could earlier make a case against you, if I want to I can make you be set out of the corps." I said standing up by the last part. I couldn't get to the bars since the chains were to short.

Shorty walked towards the bars, 

"Listen midget, if they don't want you to survive then you won't." I was slightly taken back by this but at the same time I wasn't. There are countless of times in the history when there were corrupt governments. To many to count even. I turned back around to my bed, well one thing is sure... and that's that I won't be able to win this case.

"Then at least let me die comfortably..." I muttered out.

"And that is?" Brows asked.

"Give me at least my own clothes back." I felt two soft pieces flew against my head. I laughed at myself, maybe this wasn't so hopeless after all...

I quickly grabbed the two pieces of clothing,

"Do me a favor and turn around." I said turning around to the two males. They nodded and walked away for a bit, leaving me alone in the cellar. I listened to their footsteps until they were far away.

I quickly switched into my normal clothing and looked into the sow in to top of my shirt, immediately spotting a tiny microphone.

"You better not fail me now Shitty Glasses I said to myself as I pushed onto a tiny bubble a few inches further in the sow. A tiny red light appeared on the spot and I held myself close to the microphone.

It was something Shitty Glasses had invented and it worked without needing a signal. At least that's what they said, they weren't sure about it though...

If I'm right now the same device should be shivering in my squad's clothing. Within seconds I heard the familiar voices of Akame  and Jax.

"Captain!" I heard their soft voices coming from the on and off button. I held that part to my ear while I held the other one close to my mouth.

"Where are Lillian and Demian?"

"With us, we made teams looking for you since we all found each other already."

"Okay you have the bag?"

"Yes Captain." Jax secured me.

"Okay, right now I'm in a dungeon, I'm going on trial within a few hours. I need you guys to get me outta here, got it? Try not to be in the public or it'll stand out."

"You got caught?!" They both said in sync.

"Yes and no I'll explain later, but I'm in the shit now so make sure to be there. Use plan G for formation and strategy. The other things I'll leave up to Lillian. You better don't fail me now Team. I have to go now take positions in time but don't get caught, trust me you can't get these guys of your ass easily. No communication from now on. See you there." I pushed the button on off. This trial'll get fun~.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now