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"Demian! Are they still tailing us?!" I yelled into the microphone embedded in our helmets. I had to yell since we are on our motorbikes and I had to yell over all the noise.

"Yes Captain!" Demian yelled back.

Just let me explain for a second what had happened here.

We were supposed to go to the mountains  close to the battlefield, where supposedly a third party was camped out. Right now it's the year 3105. I'm Y/n the captain of the SPecial OPeration squad (better known as the SP OP squad). We are with the army. My squad consists of people skilled like no other.

It consists out of myself, the captain. I am capable of using every single weapon known to man, from katanas to snipers and hand to hand combat. That's why I'm the captain. No one has ever been able to defeat me. Had this not been the case, I would be dead by now.

Akame, my sniper, has never missed a single target in her whole life. She only makes clean shots.

Demian, my bomber, can make a bomb out of nearly anything.

Jax, my machine gun guy, has mastered the weapon like no other.

Lillian, she isn't a fighter or someone for great action, but she is incredibly smart and always wants to know more and that's why she's in my team as a strategist.

There is supposed to be a third party camping out in the mountains, and that can be our army's doom. So that's why we are now here in the freezing cold. The party isn't especially large so we got send to it. It isn't tiny either which is yet another reason why we are here.

We were supposed to steal their weapons with the least amount of deaths as possible, this would give them delay until our government decides what to do next. If we were to kill them, they would have an actual reason to turn against us.

We were able to steal their weapons but now they're following us.

"Okay, everyone pick up speed!" I yelled into the microphone.
"Lillian, how far is the enemy?"

Lillian was riding on the back of Akame's motorbike. Since she wasn't able to ride one herself. But thanks to that she was able to turn around and keep an eye on the enemy for us.

"Not far enough for us to make it back to our own army's front fast enough." She answered.
I cursed mentally, I am not losing my squad. Not again. I had a squad before but they were all killed on the same mission, I was the only one that survived.

Right now we are in world war IV and our land is one of the many on our side of the frontline. That's why it's so important to slow down the third party in the mountains. As we rode further I noticed a sign that said "cliff up ahead". It was too late to turn back now, we would run straight into the enemy's hands.

"Everyone! Do you all have Shitty Glasses machine?"  Each of them answered with a yes. Just to explain: Shitty Glasses is a mad scientist back in our base. He is very weird, but at the same time one of the best at his job. He gave each of us a machine like thingy  for when we got into trouble. The instructions are quite simple: "go the highest speed you can reach at that moment and you'll get teleported to another place.

(Quick notice: this is not Hanji in any way, shape or form. He is gonna be important later and this similarity will be part of this)

When it got tested we didn't hear anything from the people that tested it so they were presumed dead. Now we might experience what had happened to the people that disappeared.

"Everyone, we're heading towards a cliff. Keep riding until you fall, let go of your vehicles and when you're at max speed use the device Shitty Glasses gave us. Demian you keep that bag with you at all cost. Take your helmets off too."

"Got it captain." Response from Demian, check.

"Yes captain." Response from Jax, check.

"Why drop our helmets captain?"

"That's an order!" Akame, check. Lillian answered with a yes too and soon we came to the end of the road. I saw my squad members hesitate.

"Trust Shitty Glasses for once and follow my orders!" I yelled as I threw off my helmet. I was in front of everyone and as they saw me jump and let go of my motorbike, I saw out of the corners of my eyes my team mates do the same. I grabbed the device from Shitty Glasses out of my pocket and opened it up. It looked like a very difficult machine but as I opened it up I saw a very bright light come from it. I closed my eyes instinctively, and held it with one hand, securing my weapons with my other. All of my weapons were still in their sheaths as I saw the light fade. I opened my eyes only to find myself in the air yet again. I landed, rolling over to take the power of my fall away. I stood up and dusted off my clothes.

I looked up only to see the cliff I just jumped off of, but something was different. I couldn't  hear any loud noises coming from motors, it became morning when I was sure it was in the middle of the night when we jumped. I couldn't see my squad anywhere and instead of dead nature, I stood right in the middle of a beautiful forest.

It looked so beautiful and calm which is something I haven't seen in a while. Though what happened to the others? If Shitty Glasses killed them with that thing of his, he's dead when I find him!

Hey everyone I wanna thank you for reading, for now it'll be at least one chapter in a week. I'll update when this rhythm will change. Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter or maybe in one of my other books! Bye~

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