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"The GPS..." Lillian diagnosed, as I felt Jax' warm arms wrap around me.

"Captain requesting to follow procedure D16"

"Granted" I mumbled, as my head started spinning.

"Just do it already, Damn it!" Those last words from shorty were the last things I heard before I felt stinging pain come from the already hurting place.

It became way more intense as I knew what was happening, the GPS all the squad Captains get (a tracking device that shows the higher ups where they are and so they don't go free running) sheds a deadly poison in our system when it hasn't received signal for a certain amount of time.

Now, procedure D16 means quite literally that one of the standing and most capable squad members just cuts the flesh open and gets it out. I don't think it was to late for me not to make it but I do think that I'm gonna be sore whenever I wake up, with other words: my sight started to fade and I was left in a black space with stinging pain.


"Just do it already, damn it." Demian set his knife into Y/n's upper arm. The blood that streamed out was a nauseous green blue. It was a good sign, it meant that the poisonous serum that was released streamed out instead of continuing in the body. Once Demian got the capsule out he got brought a white bandage that he used to stop the bleeding with and close the wound.

"Is she still awake?" Akame asked Jax, which still had Y/n's head on his lap.

"Nope." He said as he stroked some hair out of her face.

"The human body is physically incapable of dealing with that amount of pain so it shuts down, better known as fainting. How strong Y/n may be doesn't matter, everyone would be incapable of dealing with that. And yet she didn't make any sounds unless a few grunts, which is truly remarkable." Lily informed as Hanji squealed.

"I knew we are gonna be great friends!!" She said as Levi interrupted.

"Why didn't you just safe her? You had to ask her if you could safe her, which is fucking bullshit." Levi said while clicking his tongue, looking the usual monotone.

"First, we don't take orders from you, only from Y/n. May she be incapable of doing so, the team will listen to me as second in command. Don't ever think I'm gonna follow your command. To answer your question, we won't do anything to Y/n without her command, it's the law." Demian retorted as he stared at Levi.

Levi looked at the staring brunette and clicked his tongue.

"Then lets get her at least to the infirmary." Erwin proposed as Jax picked up the unconscious girl. Demian took over the carrying after a while and Akame took the bag of weapons. Demian would also be the one riding her to the HQ.

-Back in first person POV-

I woke up, and slowly opened my eye as I raised my arm to shield my eyes. I found myself in a unfamiliar room as I saw Demian sleep on the side of the bed. It was dark out so I assumed it was night.

I felt in my pocket and grabbed my phone: "1:34" I've been out for about an hour or 4... I stood up, careful not to wake Damian as I opened the door and walked out.

It took some time but I found the way outside, I have no idea how I did it I just know that I did. It looks like and old castle from the outside but I couldn't quite make out in the dark of the night. I wondered around until I found some peaceful trees, and climbed in them. Before I knew it I fell asleep, not worrying about anything. Of course my arm still hurt but I really couldn't feel it as much.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now