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I got off of him and started walking again, though I felt a strong force around my lower arm. It pulled me back and I fell in the mud. As a reflex, I turned around falling to the side and with my arms supported my body. My legs flew into the air kicking the owner of the hand, better known as Shorty, in the gut making him fall backwards. I took my chance and ran straight into the forest, taking my chances for surviving.

"If I stayed with them I probably would've died..." I said to myself as I kept running at full speed into the forest. In the army speed and strength are everything, I trained well so I'm very fast.

Though a few seconds later I heard the familiar zipping sound behind me. In heightened my speed, wanting to be let go from these people.

"My team comes first." As I turned around I saw Browtastic flying? So was Shorty and another person, she had brown hair and lively brown eyes. I kept running as I noticed how they were in the air: they were using that thing around their waist... I can only imagine how Shitty Glasses would've loved to see this. The things shot wires across the forest zipping the person that was attached to it towards the point that they hit.

"So that's how they do it...." I thought as I focused on running again. They were able to keep up with me thanks to that thing. Within a minute Browtastic had landed in front of me. I turned around to see that Shorty had landed behind me. The girl followed soon after and landed beside Eyebrows.

"Calm down, we're not here to hurt you." The woman said as she made calming hand gestures. I walked away, bumping into a tree. That's what you get for walking without looking.

"We are from planet earth." Now that woman was just talking nonsense. I looked at her questioning what she was doing as Shorty said to her:"Does she look like an alien to you four eyes?"
Wow... you serious shorty? Four eyes? Great name to call someone. And I thought Shitty glasses had it bad with his nickname....

"I am also from planet earth, and I would like to know what is happening and why it's so important for you to take me into custody."

"Look Levi she talks!" Levi? Who the fuck is Levi? Shorty answered: "No shit four eyes, I already heard."
Wait...is Shorty Levi?

Brows answered me, "I'll explain everything once we have you in custody."

"Custody sounds rather... formal doesn't it? Well let's just keep it on: I'll walk back with you guys to that strange wall of yours. No capturing, no questioning. Got it?"

"Deal." Brows said as we walked back towards the cliff.
Once I'm there I can escape and search for my squad and when I find them we'll figure out what to do next.

This was gonna take a long time until we get back. In the meantime I got questioned by "Four eyes."

"Look, as I said I won't answer any questions, and I think it might be a good idea to let me know your names." Four eyes looked at me, smiling.

"Of course. That guy with the black hair is Levi, beside him is Erwin and I am Hanji. Who are you?" I nodded back at her.

"I prefer my nicknames for them, they'll just have to deal with listening to them. And as I explained to Shorty earlier I'm not in the mood to answer questions."

"That's Captain for you, not Shorty or Levi"

"Well to late Shorty, you aren't in a higher rank than me, so I ain't gonna call ya captain." Shorty clicked his tongue with annoyance as a response. It stayed quiet until we got back.

The group was patiently waiting for us on their horses, well this might become a problem then.... the others stepped back on their horses as Browtastic told me to sit on the back of Eren/cadet Jaeger's horse. I looked questioningly at him.

"And who is this Eren Jaeger supposed to be?" I asked.
The green eyed boy with brown hair from earlier raised his hand.

"I am Eren."

Great so the talkative brat from earlier was Eren? Might be a good idea to remember his name. I sat on the back of his horse, clearly annoyed. I saw Levi slightly smirk as he saw my annoyed face. Yet again it faded as soon as it had appeared. He stared with a monotone face into the distance, I just looked around me. It's been some time since I saw nature, I'm more used to the smell of death lingering on top of a battlefield.

We ran up to a huge wall. Like dang it that is large! I think it's around 50 meters tall but I don't know for sure.

Four eyes had explained to me that Levi is a Lance corporal. And Eyebrows seems to be the commander of the 'survey corps' I think it's called. So it's Captain Shorty followed by Commander Eyebrows.

There was a black shot at the top of the wall, it was hardly see able for us since we were standing too close to the wall.

"Hey Browtastic!" I yelled.


"What does that black signal mean?" He looked up and had apparently not seen it yet.

"Levi! You take her up the walls."

"What?!" I heard him and me say in sync, I glared at him and I received a glare back from him.

"Levi you know what a black signal means, and since you're the one most qualified to take her up, you'll do it." Shorty nodded at Brows as I looked confused:

"And what does a black signal mean?" I asked, finally getting an opportunity to find out what a black signal means.

"A black signal means that there is spotted an abnormal Titan so they can't open the gate. Which means we'll have to leave our horses here and climb up the walls. Since the titans take no interest in horses they are safe and will be recaptured later on. Normally this doesn't happen because we mostly have a lot of wounded or dead people with us that aren't able to climb up the wall. This is probably because we came back so early. We were supposed to stay away for 3 more days but when we found you we headed back immediately." Four eyes explained.

"Wait wait wait wait wait... WAIT. you're telling me that we are going to CLIMB that wall?!"


"And how am I supposed to get up there?"

"That's were Levi comes in." Is he implying that... OH HELL NO!

"Can't I just use his equipment? It shouldn't be too hard and Shorty must be as light as a feather with his height."

"Oi, you're shorter than me brat." I just clicked my tongue in annoyance as Levi looked at me while thinking of how he could take me up with him. It wasn't hard to read what was on his mind however. Probably the most exciting book of "how to kill Y/n, new 50 ways for torture!"

"Climb on my back brat." I was pulled to reality by the ever so happy shorty.


"Just do as I say brat."
I walked over to him seeing no other option. I climbed on his back as I ran over the plan again in my head,

1. Escape from these idiots
2. Go to the towns
3. Find my squad
4. Find a way back to our own time and front
5. Murder Shitty Glasses.

I heard a clicking sound as I saw the wires shoot out of the thing called 3DMG through four eyes. The zipping sound came after as usual, and I noticed we were in the air.

The thing is: I don't mind heights, I have no problems with it though flying through the air like this sure is a new experience.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now