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I heard a loud noise coming closer. While I was in the army I had my hearing trained. Thanks to that, my hearing has become extremely sensitive.
I looked to my left only to see people approaching me on horses.

"So I didn't end up in the middle of nowhere after all! Even though they look like they're from some riding club." I thought.

A blond man with furry eyebrows was riding at the front and on his right was a guy with undercut hair. He didn't look that tall either.

They all looked kinda shocked when they saw me.

"Oi...Who are you, brat?" The male with the undercut hair said.

I didn't say anything, I just started walking away to go look for my squad. Though I noticed something odd. What were they wearing around their waists?

"Brat, I thought I said something." The man said again as I turned around, my face filled with annoyance.

"And I thought my silence was a good enough answer, but I guess we were both wrong." I said to the guy as my hand slowly went to my back, I made it so that it wouldn't look weird, and I slowly wrapped my hand around my knife. One of the many knives I carry around, call it a habit.

The guy looked like he was in his early 20's, just like me. Though he wasn't that long or anything, more like the opposite, but I couldn't say for sure since he was still on his horse.

"Tch... What are you doing outside of the walls, brat?" He asked yet another question.

"Let's just say that I'll answer that when I am in the mood for it."

"And are you now?"

"Does it seem like I am?"

"You answer me."

"Nope, I am not." I answered, popping the p while being clearly annoyed.

The guy with the furry eyebrows stepped forward, still on his horse.... wow so rude.

"Tell us your name." He said in a rather demanding voice, which I didn't quite appreciate.

"Look browtastic, as I just explained to shorty here: I am not in the mood for answering any of your questions and even if I was, the chance would be very tiny since I don't know you. Can't really trust strangers in the middle of a war I guess, but what I do know is that it's better to not just throw your name around whenever you want."
Browtastic seemed a bit surprised and taken aback with his nickname but he'll have to deal with it cause I ain't changing it. They all seemed surprised when I mentioned war.... touchy subject?

"What?" He just asked in return.
I continued: "By the way, what's up with Shorty  over here?" The guy looked like he was getting angrier with every second. Well I guess he isn't used to getting sarcasm as a response.

"We'll do the questioning." Brows said.

"Well good luck with that mister Brows, cause I ain't gonna say anything."
He turned around to two people behind him. One with an undercut hairstyle, just like Shorty's, though this time it was blond and slightly wavy and a girl with light strawberry red hair.

"Cadets, take her into custody." They walked up to me but as soon as they got close my hands came from behind my back with a knife in each hand.

"Oh please try." I felt the atmosphere change, and the aura that surrounded me turning darker with each passing second.

"As I said, please try." I repeated with a lower and more dangerous voice, a smile formed on my face, it's been a while since I've enjoyed a good fight. And even though these didn't seem like much of a match, I didn't know them and they had proven to be an enemy. And never underestimate the enemy.

They walked over to me hesitantly, they were scared. I heard a boy's voice say: "how could you turn against your own kind?!" As he stepped forward until he stood a bit behind shorty. The boy had green eyes and brown hair.

"What?" I thought. "What was he talking about?"

"Look, boy, I don't know what you mean but look at it like this: where I come from I was born to kill people." They all looked at me shocked.

"Don't we all have the same enemy? The titans?"

"The what? Look boy, I don't know what you're talking about, but the last time I heard someone talk about titans was in history class in middle school. When the titans-" wait, what? Why was I telling them this? I asked myself.

"Hunted us until the brink of extinction? Welcome to the world girl." Shorty said as his voice dropped with venom and sarcasm.

Wait history class and... the last drop fell into the bucket of knowledge and allowed me to realize what was going on. And the answer to the 1+1 equation I was dealing with here was pissing me off big time.


"Boy, tell me which year it is."



My head had been dropped down for some time now. Does this mean we went back in time? My head shot up, I glared at the boy as he hesitated to answer me. I knew that in my eyes you could see bloodlust and that if anyone made me mad right now they would die right here in this forest.

"850." The boy finally said.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I went back in time?! I swear, where are my squad members?! I mean it was obvious before but that doesn't mean the realization kicked in!

I turned around, my hands clinging onto my knives. I felt my knuckles go white from the force I was holding them with. I heard some kind of zipping noise and before I knew it Shorty stood in front of me. I had noticed some cables gripping into a tree on my right, facing away from the cliff I was still walking beside.
"What's that?" I thought.

"You're coming with me brat." Shorty said.

"I'm sorry Shorty but I am not coming with you." I said annoyed.

"Then I'll force you." He pushed me back with my shoulders. Out of instincts I ducked down swiping his legs from underneath his body. I pinned him to the ground with my knife pressed against his throat.

"I said that I...am... not... going" I said as I said the last words slowly and putting some extra care while saying them. My voice dropped yet again, his eyes on the other side looked shocked for a mere second but faded as soon as it had appeared.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now