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The two of you walked to the space you had used for the training before. The wood was smooth against your hand as you carried it, and you could see the ease with which Mike carried it. The staff was a extension of his arm, that much was clear, and you wondered of you would be able to keep up after not having touched the thing for so long.


The loud noise of wood smashing against one another could be heard echoing through the training grounds. The group a little away from where you stood watched carefully, eyes glued to the scene in front of them.

Arlo stood a bit further away now, careful not to get caught in the crossfire. He watched as the two of you stood across from one another, the staffs in your hand moving aligned with your limbs as they clashed against one another.

You used a combination of one and two hands to wield the weapon, you allowed it to follow the same movements as your limbs as it clashed against Mike's.

It was used for defense, but attack as well, you gripped the end with two hands to swing it will all the strength in your body. It was blocked by Mike's own staf, who saw his chance to immediately attack you after.

You held the stick in the middle with two hands, which were fluently pulled apart from another to allows mike's stick to land in the middle of them, where your hands had been positioned mere seconds before.

He was fast, his years of practice with the twin swords allowing him to judge your movements and prepare against them in advance. You however had a similar advantage.

He had seen how you clumsily held the staff when you just caught it, the unfamiliarity lost as it now fluently moved in sync with your limbs as you fired one after the other precisely aimed attack at him.

Planting the end of the stick firmly on the ground you used it to fire yourself up as you kicked at Mike, spinning in the jump and pulling the stick from the ground to hit him right on his knuckles where he held his own weapon.

It was a complicated fight, one that allowed both you and him to go all out, pulling each complicated move after the other out of your sleeve as you got caught in an intricate balance of power that almost allowed the battle to be seen as a dance. Almost.

The two of you went pack and forth, using all of your knowledge and prior experience and pouring it in the battle.

If you had asked anyone watching who would win, they wouldn't have been able to tell.

One of his attacks harshly landed on your shoulder as you grunted at the sting that spread through your body. He had attempted to hit your legs a few times, but each time you had been able to jump over it or managed to dodge it successfully.

A thin layer of sweat started to form on your skin as the adrenaline coursed through your veins, the thrill of an equally matched fight flooding your brain.

Mike was fast, yes, but so were you, even more so than he. This has become much more complicated than a comparison of speed, strength even. The match up was close to equal, but you had your flexibility to your advantage. Allowing your fast thinking brain limitless possibilities as it acted on pure instinct to dodge and fire each attack.

He slammed his staff in the place where your head had been, where it should've been, if you hadn't anticipated his attack that in split second you needed to dodge. You ducked underneath it, blocking his staff from hitting you with your own as you slammed your foot against his hip as he was fired to the ground.

Levi narrowed his eyes as he watched the battle, he couldn't help but feel proud, satisfied even, at what seemed to be your win.

Mike made contact with the ground, barely in time to block your attack that soon followed with your own staff.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now