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I saw everyone else fly up beside us, out of reflex I immediately held onto Levi maybe a bit too tight. But at this point I didn't care anymore, I'd rather cling onto him like no tomorrow then die right here by falling.

"Oi, brat are you trying to kill me?"

"I don't mind killing you as long as I'm on my own feet again."

"Is a certain brat afraid of heights?" He said in that annoying monotone voice.

"I am not afraid of heights, I just don't trust you. I wouldn't have a problem with it if it was someone else carrying me."

"You're lucky Erwin doesn't want you dead otherwise I would've dropped you a long time ago." 

"It's a shame I need you to get up there, otherwise you would've been finished by now." He became silent and focused on climbing again. I swear I can't wait to get off his back, it's annoying, uncomfortable and irritating.

I held onto him but about 3/4 way up the wall I saw him smirk. He let go of the wall, dropping us both to our inevitable deaths. Except that while my mind was thinking out the amazing scene of leaving the earth in such a clumsy way after everything I've done, it decided to forget the thing he wore around his waist. While falling I squished my arms around him, nearly killing him in the process. He shot his wires and stopped our fall.

When Browtastic asked what was up he displayed it as it 'not being his fault I was so heavy'. We soon caught up to the others.

It didn't take much longer until we were up the wall and I immediately let go of Shorty. I checked if the tiny backpack on my back was still there, I always wore it with me. It contained some life essentials.

"Oi brat. What do you think you're doing?"

"What does it look like shorty? I'm getting away from you."

"Then how do you plan to get down midget?" Midget... HAS THAT IDIOT SEEN HIS OWN HIGHT?!

I walked closer to him, until I stood right in front of him. I had walked away a tiny bit from the crowd to check my backpack but this made me walk right into the middle of it yet again.

"I don't get what you're problem is Shorty, if it's just to get on my nerves or if there is something else I don't care either. But just let me give you one advice, you don't want to get under my skin cause if you do you won't survive."

"Try me midget."

"You know... maybe I don't even have to kill you... there is a much easier way." I grinned, time to use that thing from Shitty Glasses. Maybe this time I'll actually find my squad. I walked back, I felt my foot slip by the next step.

"Oi brat-" I fell back, greeting my 50 meter fall down. Well of course not all the way, my hand slipped into my pocket not feeling the device. I CAN ONLY USE IT ONCE?!

Shoot... this took a whole different end, the smile on my face grew as I realized this would be my end. I mean, how could I have known that it was a one time use?!

"Faster than I thought, maybe I will find my squad back again." I said to myself as I was about to fall face first into the ground.

My back was facing the wall as I looked at the city, it maybe was upside down but still it looked pretty.

"I just hope they have sweatpants and coffee in hell or heaven wherever I'm going." I thought as I heard the zipping sounds yet again.

They really are hard to escape from... Sheesh. Well only if they could. I assume still 20 meters till I hit the ground.

I felt a force in my stomach as I saw a pair of blueish grey eyes stare back.

"Even though I would've loved to see you face first into the ground, my orders are to get you back to HQ alive. And sadly orders are orders."

"Why can't you guys just let me..." I asked while sighing. Though I noticed that this Shorty is carrying me like a sack potatos! He landed safely, not intending on letting me go so I gave a kick with my knee in his stomach, in automatically dropped me as I still was able to land on my feet.

I remembered my plan and ran away colliding into the crowd.

"Bye!" I shouted over my shoulder as I saw Shorty chase me, here he couldn't use his 3DMG so he was just as limited as me but he had to carry around the waist things where they stored their extra swords. Since I didn't have one of those capes I collided with the people faster though I still stood out in my modern clothes.

It wasn't that bad since I was wearing a black jacket with a green shirt, some black pants to top it with and some army boots, since we were the OP squad we were allowed to wear different clothes but in our case they had to be black since it was quite obvious that we would be operating in the night.

Yea never mind I stood out very much like this. Maybe the clothes in my backpack stood out less? I should look at that...

I stopped running, no green capes yet. I walked into an seemingly empty alley. I took a turn to the left and hid behind a trash can, I slid the backpack off, opening it and I looked at the extra clothes I had packed. Okay so a pair of black sweatpants with a spare green shirt. For some reason it's necessary to always wear something green in my old army.

Why am I saying old? I need to get my shit together... in getting back there, no matter how.

I quickly switched into my very comfortable sweatpants. As I took of my shirt I was left into my black sport bra, that is necessary in the army... trust me.

Before I was able to grab my shirt, my other hand got grabbed. I turned around facing a group of guys.

"Perverts..." I said in my head as they looked at me, or more my body. I just stood there in my sport bra combined with some sweatpants and my army boots. Well this sure is weird, though I guess it's weird for this time. Here all the regular woman wear dresses or long skirts. With other words: covered up. Seeing a female like myself dressed like this probably is very rare. Or whore standard, depends what you prefer.

Glad it wasn't like this in my time, I always went jogging every morning like this around the base. I would train in this look for hours, I mean for me it's normal. At the base everyone thought the same.

"You have a fine body lady." I swear these guys are getting more annoying by the minute. Shorty and Brows are probably close nearby too, so I'll be dead for sure once they find me.

"I might have but this body isn't for any of your hands to grab." I said as I kicked the one closest to me in his stomach.

"A  feisty one eh?"

I was lucky that I had already put my weapons back in place when I was switching my pants. I quickly grabbed a knife and played with it in my hands, my eyes still fixated on the guys in front of me. They all look at my knife, as I broke up the silence.

"You know, if you'll try to do something with me you'll most likely stay in this alley until they find your rotten corpse... You don't want that fate waiting for you right?" I held the knife in my right hand and stopped spinning it. Still a silence but this time the guys stared at me.

One of the guys laughed and stepped even closer,

"Some though talking for such a delicate, tiny and cute girl such as yourself." I hate it when people call me that, as he stepped closer his hand went forward to touch me. I stepped back, getting stopped by the wall as i made a cut in his hand. He quickly pulled back as I took a fighting stance.

"Oh please try to do something, I already can't wait to kill you." I said as I heard my voice drop lower and filled with sarcasm.

They tried another time and I made a deeper cut, after that they just walked away.

"Shit that took some time... now I just gotta get outta here before shorty finds me."  I said to myself, quickly pulling my shirt over my head and stuffing my jacket in my backpack. I quickly swung my backpack over my shoulder and right on cue I heard a call for me...

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