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After she adjusted to the bright light she looked at the stairs in front of her and the opened door atop of it.



Levi fired off the hooks from his gear effortlessly, memories of doing this countless of times before flooding his brain. The group sometimes had a bit of trouble following him, but no one ever got behind. Lillian followed his steps seemingly effortlessly and Jax with Demian steadily behind her. Akame was behind or beside them, to always watch and help if any complication popped up.

The ride was surprisingly smooth in comparison to all the hectic events from before, and after a while they shook off their followers and returned to the cave that led to the hole in the ground.

Everyone hurried up to the surface, the moon out nearly the same as it had been when Levi and you had gone in. You jumped off Levi's back as he stood steadily on the ground, and you stretched lazily.

"That was surprisingly smooth," You commented to no one in particular as you looked at the sky, "how long do you guys think it has been?"

Demian shrugged his shoulders sarcastically, "I have no fucking idea." He laughed as he too hopped off Jax' back.

"I'd say two days?" Akame piped up and Lillian only nodded reassuringly, "most likely yea."

The group of you made your way to the horses, who still stood tied up at the tree but had feasted on the apples that hung in reach and the grass around them. Someone has pulled their saddles off, so it wouldn't strain the horses in their absence. They were still eating the surrounding grass as the lot of you approached.

Your horse looked up and as it saw you approach it produced a delighted sound from it's throat. It seemed to look at you with a gaze that said 'so you've finally returned?'. You laughed to yourself as you once again declared yourself crazy for talking to a horse.

You saddled your companion and untied it as your group followed your initiative. You whispered to the animal soothingly as you pet it's mane before you mounted your steed.

Once again your group followed, except Demian who stood somewhat awkwardly at the side.

Only then you realized that in your hurry you had forgotten to take a horse for Demian from the stable.

"He can ride with me cap!" Jax smirked as he moved closer, while on horseback, to Demian who walked backwards.

"He will ride with Akame, if what you said earlier was true, I'd feel bad putting the two of you on the same horse."

"For who? The horse or for Jax?"

"The horse." Akame bursted out laughing at those words, Lillian laughing loudly along as well.

Demian seemed to sulk so you decided to give in a little bit, "after all, muscle weighs more than fat." This brought a smile to Demian's face as he followed your order and mounted Akame's horse, sitting behind her.

Your group took off, and as the adrenaline wore off as the minutes ticked away you could feel exhaustion catching up with you. When you looked around you could notice the same was happening to your team. Everyone had gone for awhile without sleep and Demian looked the worst of them all. He was still recovering from all the things they had done to him.

"How long till we're back?" You asked Levi, who seemed to have noticed the same as you had.

"A while." He just noted as you stopped your group.

"Then we'll stay here for at least the remainder of the night." You looked up, the moon was still somewhat low, it hadn't reached midnight yet. It also didn't seem like it was going to rain anytime soon.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now