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The smile on your face shifted into a smirk as you poked the male, "mhm, I'll make sure to make it a show."

When Arlo returned he carried four wooden hunting knives. A smirk formed on your face at the sight, this was your weapon. You had spent ages fighting and practicing with knives, there were no secrets between you and the blade.

Levi, beside you, looked interested at the two wooden carved out weapons. Obviously they were practice weapons, made so you couldn't actually hurt one another. As much as this was your weapon, it was his as well.

Years of practice in the underground gave him the experience and confidence he needed to know he could beat you.

He had done it before, and although he didn't want to underestimate you, he couldn't help but be confident in his skillset.

Maybe this was equally matched after all. You had at least as much years of experience as Levi with the knife, the only difference being the field of the experience.

You had been thoroughly trained for years until the weapon was a mere extension of your limbs, having been beaten down by the weapon time after time until you had turned the tables.

Levi, oppositely, had most of his experience on the street off the underground. He had managed to keep up with the two strongest men that had been in the scouting legion then with the weapon.

As much as you knew the weapon, Levi matched you perfectly.

Arlo handed you both two knives, shrugging his shoulders at Luca, "I'm afraid you'll have to wait for them to finish."

A devilish smirk found its way on Luca's face as he smiled, faking a sigh, "I guess it can't be helped."

A smirk found itself on your face as you watched Levi, he clicked his tongue at the sight of you.

Experimentally, both of you turned and twisted the weapons in your hands, familiarizing yourself with it's weight and feeling.

You walked further onto the field with him, the same smirk playing on your lips as before. There wasn't a better weapon Arlo could've chosen for this round.

A chuckle escaped your throat as you looked at Levi, "you're going down, shorty."

A single eyebrow raised in question at your words, as if taunting you. You knew better however, Levi was amused at your words, he was as confident as you were, he just hid it better.

"We'll see about that midget." You playfully narrowed your eyes at him, "if that's the case, may the best fighter win."

Levi scoffed, and Arlo started the count down.

From the small distance, the others watched, the seconds Arlo counted seemingly lasting forever as you twisted the knives around in your hands, the blades ready to attack.

As soon as Arlo reached zero, the two of you flew at each other, a lighting fast series of stabs and dodges forming.

Not a single thought ran through your mind, it was as if you had let loose of the wheel and gone on complete autopilot, the knives in your hand moved gracefully yet powerfully along with your limbs. Each attack faster and stronger than the last.

You side stepped another attack from Levi, he could see the effortless concentration in your eyes, your gaze focussed on his weapons as you moved, slowly driving him back.

He attempted a kick between your heated series of attacks, you ducked underneath it as you dropped yourself to the ground, attempting to kick away Levi's ground leg instead.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now