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His body disagreed for once with that mindset, as the night continued Levi could feel his eye lids growing heavier, and soon he succumbed to the ever growing desire to sleep. A small smile rested on his lips as his eyes closed peacefully, the last thing he saw before falling asleep was your calm expression.


The light of morning was intrusive as you slowly opened your eyes, groaning slightly you closed your eyes once more before nuzzling back into the warmth that surrounded you.

When you eventually wanted to move to rub your eyes, you noticed your movement was constricted, and only then did you notice arms encasing your form. You squirmed one arm to freedom as you rubbed your eyes, fully opening them and looking around you.

You remembered last night, and noticed you weren't in your own bedroom, or on Levi's couch. You turned your head up to confirm your suspicion, as you were met with Levi's peaceful sleeping face. A smile formed unknowingly on your lips as you took in the sight in front of you.

Levi's hair was a slight mess, random pieces sticking up and some falling in his eyes. His lips were slightly parted and the permanent scowl and crease of his brows disappeared. His shirt was twisted around his upper body and slightly lifted, allowing you in your position a small peek at the skin underneath. His dark circles had lessened, and relaxed like this he looked younger, unconsiously a gentle smile formed on your features as you took in the sweet scenario you were in.

Wishing this moment could last forever, you brushed some of the hair out of his face, similar to what Levi had done for you the night before. Levi's arms were still wrapped around you and you realized how comfortable and safe it felt, how familiar his scent had become, and how you wouldn't ever admit how much you enjoyed this. It was the perfect picture of a domesticated life you never realized you could have, but you quickly shook that image from your mind.

The sunlight from the window fell perfectly on his face, giving his skin and hair a golden glow.

Your hand cupped his jaw, your thumb tracing patters on his cheek as Levi unconsiously nuzzled into your hand, allowing a sense of accomplishment to wash through your body. As Levi slept it seemed like all the burdens of the world and stress had fallen off his shoulders, you wondered if you looked the same.

After a while Levi slowly opened his eyes, his grey eyes unusually warm as he gazed at you. Your hair was a similar mess to his, but he had to admit there was a charm to it.

"Good morning." Your voice was somewhat of a whisper, not really wanting to disrupt the comfortable silence that hung in the air. You had been awake for a short while now, so your voice still had the roughness of the morning evident in it but not entirely.

"Good morning." Levi's voice was a hoarse whisper, evidence of his well deserved rest.

He unwrapped his arms around you and a slight whine left your throat at the loss of the warmth.

Levi sat up, rubbing his eyes as he woke up. You decided to sit up too, using your fingers to tame your hair to an extend.

There was a slight awkwardness in the air, the obvious question about why you were there, in Levi's bed.

Levi took a deep breath and opened his mouth to start the rant to explain his actions, but you beat him to it.

"If you wanted me in your bed you could've just asked." Levi's confused and taken aback face made you burst out in laughing as you fell back on the bed. A slight blush rose to his cheeks as you clutched your stomach.

Levi watched your antics with a slight smile as he waited for you to stop laughing, which you eventually did.

He explained what had happened as you listened, nodding along as he talked and sometimes smiling at the story. When he finished he looked at you as you laid spread out on the silky sheets.

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now