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Time skip

We were all on our horses, riding through a town and inching closer to the walls. The most outer wall at least, the townspeople had gathered beside our road to see us off. Though not many seemed happy about it, I looked at my squad, their familiar faces hidden in the darkness of the hood connected to their cape. It made us slightly stand out, but I had no intention to be waving happily to the people anyway.

After a small while we stood in front of the gate, out of the people that were standing there I noticed one particular young face, the kid from the courtroom. His eyes were filled with wonder and excitement, his eyes briefly locked with mine and he waved. I smiled and raised one of my hands from the reins I was holding, waving back to the kid. He was excited with my response, a sound got his attention afterwards and he saw that the gates were now fully open.

Mister Browstash had paused, and then turned around in his saddle. He said some words which I couldn't understand due to distance, he turned back around and yelled (something I could actually understand).

"ADVANCE" I nodded towards my team and we started riding forward, soon finding ourselves outside the gates.

After a couple of seconds we saw something come running towards us, a large human like creature.

"We're taking this, Lillian stay with Akame just to be sure." I said, the small plug in my ear picking up on the sound and sending it towards my team mates, Hanji, Erwin and Levi.


"Did it work?" I walked in to Jax' and Demian's shared room. Akame and Lillian also shared one.

"Ya, here they are. One for each of us and three for the other leaders." Jax said with a grin on his face, it was a simple earplug with a small microphone which was extended slightly out of the ear.

"Amazing, I'll bring them to Hanji, Browtastic and Shortstack. I assume they work like what we're used to?" Jax nodded in response and I walked out of the room, finding Hanji first. She was telling Lillian everything about titans and things connected to that. I gave her the ear piece and told Lillian to teach her how to use it. I was not going to get caught up in her story telling.

After half an hour I had given both Levi and Erwin their respective device and instructions, and not long after I was in the stables taking care of my new horse, H/n.

End of flashback

I went, with my squad on my tail, away from the riding group of soldiers. The titan clearly focused their attention on us now, and it was trying to swipe at us. I went to stand crouched on the saddle on my horse, holding the reins with one hand. Eyeing the situation there were another three titans closing in.

"Everyone takes one." I said into the earpiece, Akame would be working with Lillian but I didn't need to tell them that again, they knew it by now.

We all split up and the titan focused their attention on me, it's large mouth with wide grin hanging open and blonde hair that bounced up and down with every step he took. I signaled my horse to go even faster as we rode through his legs.

As soon as his back came into view I jumped up, from my horse, and send the hooks of my gear into its back. I fired up with gas and as I was approaching the hooks I released them, only using gas to get a bit higher and basically catapulting myself into the air. The titan was turning around, his nape moving from the assumed place. I silently cursed but just in time hooked my gear in its neck, it's nape perfectly in between. I fired myself down and cut its nape, planning on how to get myself down instead of falling. As the titan was falling over I stood on its steaming back as it crashed face first into the group. I jumped off and whistled for my horse that came trotting back to me. I looked around, my team also had done their job nicely. They were approaching me on their horses and we made our way back to the group. Hanji and browstash both congratulated me on my first kill here and shortstack... he just congratulated us for not dying.

We made our way to a huge ass forest. The huge ass forest I came from.

"I need to check something out, don't worry about me. Team, don't do anything I wouldn't do." I dismissed myself as I steered my horse off the course they took. From the continued running I noticed H/n had grown slightly tired so we started walking instead. A bit further away I noticed a berry bush, so I steered towards it. After having inspected to bush, leaves and berries I declared them safe.

I plucked a couple and sniffed them, I put one in my mouth and rolled it over my tongue before plopping it between my jaws. When the sweet flavor coated my tongue I quickly consumed the rest as well.

I plucked another handful and gave them to H/n who consumed them happily. I opened a small pouch on my belt and filled it to the brim with berries, just like the small saddle bag.

I remounted H/n and we walked towards the cliff, not encountering any other titans on the way. That, however, was not the case as soon as we got to the cliff. I jumped off H/n and used my gear to get into one of the trees, the titans seemed to be too busy with something to notice me.

It didn't take long to take them out, the trees and the cliff being easy targets to latch onto.

I jumped out of the tree and hooked into the stone on the cliff, I didn't use gas, I just let myself fall and sliced the nape of the titans I could reach. I landed against the side of the cliff. I used gas to fire myself to my hooks and once I was there the titans seemed to notice me, even though I couldn't exactly see what they were so busy with. I jumped away from the wall releasing my hooks from the cliff. I made a turn in the air, and in the spin I made I hooked my gear on a titan, not what I aimed for but I could work with it.

I took out the remaining three titans, they weren't as tall as the others I've seen but that's to be expected I guess.

I landed on the ground, and quickly put my swords away. I felt something warm glide over my cheek. I raised my hand to touch it and it stung slightly in response. I must've somehow managed to cut myself open while fighting. I made my way through the decomposing titan body's. A couple of meters beside where I stood the grass was still slightly roughed up. Sure it could've been the titans but it looked like once a small wrestle took place here, this must've been where I landed.

I mean I did recognize the small clearing beside the cliff and when I turned around I saw a small spot in a tree that had its wood pulled out. Like something 3DMG would do. I smiled thinking back if that one day. It was quite amusing to be honest, looking back on it.

I smile made its way on my face while I remembered those moments, the first few in this world.

Soon I turned back around, focusing on the task at hand. I need to find out what happened here.

I looked to where the middle of the group titans was. I was met with two body's, which was odd in my opinion. Weren't the people here too damned scared to go outside the walls. Suddenly the silence settled around me. And I realized the earpieces hadn't been used since I left.

"Hey incoming, is everything ok there? Why is it so damn silent?" A bit of static greeted me but soon I heard a response.

"Busy, they keep coming from everywhere, we're surrounded." I cursed under my breath, this was not good. The slight worry was clear in Demian's voice. I had to get back as soon as possible, but my curiosity got the better of me. What was up with the corpses?

"I'll be there ASAP, I just need to check something." I received a short ok from Levi who butted into our conversation.

I turned around, with a clear goal in mind. I had to be quick about it though. I sprinted in between the decaying titan corpses to be met with a sight of which I had hoped not to see.

There surrounded by the decaying titan corpses laid two other corpses.

Human corpses.

Their heads had been ripped off, just like some limbs. I could identify two corpses, of both remained the chest but one had only their right arm left and the other their left leg.

The fabric looked too modern to be from this time. I turned one of the bloody leftovers around. I gasped of the insignia on their vest.

These two came from our time. They had also found a way to end up here and who knows how easily they could access it and since when.

These are two of the soldiers we fight, these were from the east front.

These are our enemies.

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