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"Oi, you snail! Are you coming or what?!" Some guy from your group yelled at you, you followed behind.

"Oh come on, today will be different." The end test. Everyone got it at their 5th birthday. No one was allowed to talk about it with children that didn't get it yet.

You walked onto the the training grounds, instead of the usual different ground now there stood multiple tents. White and quite large for what you were used to. You got assigned to your own tent.

Your now 6 year self walked in, a straight face. You were called the emotionless for a reason. They also called you 'their best creation' and this nickname would be tested again today.

You got greeted by a male of around 30 years old on the floor. His writs were bound behind his back. He sat on his knees and in the corner of the tent laid a gun. A note written by your commander beside it.

"This man is captured from the other side on our last expedition. He killed at least 5 of our own, this gun has one bullet. Chose wisely, your or his life." The man stood up, and had his hand in front of his stomach. He was ready to attack you, after all even though bound he was sure he was able to win from a 6-year-old.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Your young voice, drained of emotion rang through the tent. The man hadn't heard you talk or even have some kind of emotions in the first place, this was a surprise for him.

"I think we both know for who this bullet is meant."

"Yes" his voice was drained in sadness. When he saw his chance he tried to wiggle his bound wrists over you head, to strangle you. You grabbed the gun from the table, ducked and kicked the man in his knees. It made a sickening crack as you rolled away.

As you turned around his green eyes met yours, trying to figure out any form of humanity in yours. He couldn't, you had been through the worst training imaginable and couldn't care less. You both knew it was his or your life, and the outcome is obvious. You knew he would become one of many lives you would take.

"You aren't from the other side, are you?" You could tell he was lying even though he denied. You threw away the gun and went to stand behind him, as you pulled a small knife from your boot. You leaned in and whispered in his ear,

"I know they just need you dead, no matter from which side you are." With those words you slit his throat. His surprised look now etched on his face forever.

The same man that brought you here came in, looking what happened. You pointed at the gun,

"I think you would be able to use that bullet better on someone else." You walked out, finding the way back to your shared rooms easily.

~ 6 years later (12)~

"Remember, it's hurting or be hurt." The thought echoed in your head as you floored a guy three years older than you. A few days ago you had received your tracker, now you had to train with a pesky itch coming from underneath the bandage on you shoulder.

"Hey Y/n!" Demian walked up to you as you saw he floored his opponent as well.

"Oi, Demian." You greeted him back as he chuckled.

"You're starting to sound like the commander. Spend a bit to much time with the higher ups?" He grinned.

"Guess so, how's the bombing going? Heard you invented a new kind?" Pride immediately escalated on his face.

"Yes, they're using my stuff now for bombings."

"Don't get used to the pride." You turned around and faced a new opponent. Unknowing of the eyes that were observing you through the cameras.

Everyone knew of the developing talent you had, no one wanting to accept it.

In this world you grew up in, there doesn't exist something like a happy childhood. It was kill or be killed to the ultimate. Survival of the fittest on its worst.

Babies are immediately taken away from their parents at birth. They get raised by the government, and they hold guns as soon as they can lift them. Blood staining their small hands way to early.

They get raised fighting, and at 4 they get divided in several groups. Snipers, leaders (often the cockiest), strategists, bombers, pilots, nurses, machine gunners, etc. All in groups, ages differing from 4 to 12. At that age they check if everyone's in the right group.

All having their first kill at 6. And lessons linked to their destiny. Leaders will get team morals, leading positions and those things. Snipers learn to snipe in all conditions. And so on.

Everyone gets taught how to fight, all groups with each other and no differences between genders.

At the age of 20 everyone goes into the field. You didn't, you started at 16. They couldn't teach you anything after some time.

After the being in the field for at least 15 years, they get to live a normal life on the costs of the government. In exchange for babies. Before they get 'released' they get a medical check up to make sure they have strong genes to pair with. The weak get filtered out quickly enough.

~at the age of 16~

"We want you to be the new commander." You heard what they said, and declined immediately.

"I'm not fit for that paper shit, send me into the field with my own squad and I'll be fine" and so you got.

Not even a week later you got called into the office of you old friend. He was in the same group as you, second best of the class. He had a crush on you since forever, even though he never admitted it.

"You get your own squad, it'll be for special missions. You will be in charge of everything for this squad. From training to food. Understood?" You nodded you head as your new squad walked in.

Suddenly they got replaced by the dead bodies that hunted your memory ever since you saw it.

End dream

You woke up in cold sweat. It was all a dream. Just a stupid dream.

You opened your door and walked to the mess hall to get something to drink. After you came back you sat on your bed, you couldn't sleep after. You hadn't had a time like this where you were bored in a long time. You walked into the office and got a pencil and some paper. You started doodling on the paper and eventually fell asleep.

So, what did you guys think of this? It's official, I will make a prequel of this once this is finished. I hope this wasn't too confusing, and I'll see you guys soon in a new chapter I hope. I'm sorry for the long wait but test week is here so I'm dying. Bye~

Goddess with a blade  [Levi X reader]Where stories live. Discover now