Here Comes the Sun

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A/N: Reminder that I do not have much medical knowledge, so this is how I would imagine the birth scene going. 

August 13, 1974

Third Person POV

Roger woke up at around 5 AM. He then remembered something that was equally terrifying and exciting: It was officially the 13th of August, so his daughter was due at any time. He was as pregnant as a tick, and almost every movement he made was difficult to carry out. He just wanted to get this baby out of his womb and into his arms.

He was wondering why he had woken up so early, but then found out when he felt a contraction. He didn't know if it was the real deal, but he figured it was his due date. He decided he would time them to make sure. 20 minutes later, he had another contraction. And then twenty minutes after that. He eventually made his way out of bed, and when he stood up, he could feel his baby shift further down, inching closer to making her way in the world. 

He used the restroom and then headed back to bed. Right before he reached the bed, he felt wetness in his pants. His water had broke. He looked over at his fiancee, who was sleeping peacefully. He knew he needed to get him up so they could get ready to go to the hospital.

"Brimi?" He shook him gently. 

"Hmmm." Brian rubbed his eyes and looked at his fiancee who was hovering over top of him. "What is it, Roggie?"

"I'm in labor. Also, my water just broke." Brian froze for a second, but then quickly realized what Roger had just said.

"Wait, are you serious?"

"Yes. My contractions are about 20 minutes apart." Brian shot out of bed but stayed calm. He grabbed the preprepared bag and returned to the bedroom. He came back to Roger hunched over the bed, laboring through another contraction. 

"Contractions are 15 minutes apart, Brimi."

"Ok, my love. Just push through it, ok? You're doing so well, darling. Let me get you a new pair of pants." Brian went to the closet and grabbed a pair of comfy maternity pants and cotton panties. He carefully sat Roger down on the bed and pulled his soiled pants and underwear off of him. He got the new pants and underwear on and then put some socks and shoes on Roger's feet. 

"There you go. All ready." Brian kissed his pregnant fiancee and then pulled back. "Ready to get to the hospital?" Roger nodded. Brian helped him up off of the bed and guided him out of the bedroom. As they made their way into the living room, they were met with the sight of Freddie and John waiting for them.

"We heard you guys moving around and figured Roger was in labor," Freddie said.

"Yea. His water broke a few minutes ago, so we're headed to the hospital."

"Good luck, you guys," John said. He was smiling and showing his tooth gap. Brian and Roger thanked them and waved as they made their way to the car. Brian helped him get situated in the car and then took off. On their way to the hospital, Roger labored through three more contractions, and they became 10 minutes apart. Upon getting to the hospital, Brian checked Roger in and he was put into a wheelchair. They wheeled Roger to a room and Brian followed.

The room was painted to give off a warm and cozy feeling, and both Roger and Brian felt more comfortable about welcoming their child to the world in this room. Roger was helped onto the bed, and his cervix was inspected.

"You are 5 inches dilated. Would you like an epidural?"

"No." Roger breathed through another contraction. "I think I'll be fine without it."

The doctor's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he let up. "Alright. If that's what you want."


A few hours passed by, and Roger was still in labor. He was making good progress, considering the fact that he was a first-time parent. The doctor came back to check on his cervix.

"Looks like you are about 10 inches dilated, son. You should probably feel an urge to push soon." Of course, right as the doctor said that Roger felt pressure in his back, and felt the urge to start pushing. He gripped Brian's hand tightly and threw his legs apart. The doctor got in position.

"Oh god," Roger groaned. He started pushing as his contractions were right on top of each other. He kept pushing a few more times and started to feel his daughter's head trying to come out.

"Owww. Shit!" Roger was trying to push his daughter out but got exhausted mid-push.

"Come on, Roger. You've been doing so well. I can see her head right here. Give me one hard push and you should be able to get her head out," The doctor said. Roger gritted his teeth and pushed hard. He could feel his daughter's head as it passed through the birth canal and felt like he was ripping apart.

"Owww. Fuck, Brian. Don't ever do this to me again." Brian just chuckled and kissed his fiancee's head, feeling grateful that he wouldn't remember this.

"The head is out, Roger," The doctor exclaimed. "Give me maybe one or two more pushes and we should have your beautiful baby out in no time."

Roger pushed. And pushed. And finally..

"Waaaaaaa!!" He could hear his daughter's cries, and he broke down into sobs. Brian was sobbing as well. The doctor quickly patted her down with a towel before placing her on Roger's bare chest.

"My baby," Roger sobbed. He pulled his fiancee's hand to rest on their newborn daughter, still sticky with fluid. Their family was finally complete.


Roger was moved into a room for recovery, and their daughter had been cleaned off and weighed. Brian was holding his daughter now, and the new parents looked at their baby in awe. She had a head full of blonde hair that was already starting to curl up, and she had her beautiful blue eyes open, staring at her daddy. She weighed 7.8 pounds, and she was 21 inches long, which meant she had probably gotten Brian's height. 

"She's so beautiful, my love," Brian said. He was looking down at his daughter and laughed when she tried to attach herself to Brian's nipple, which was under his shirt. "I don't have any milk in there, sweetheart. Let me give you to papa."

Brian handed the baby over to Roger, who put her up to his bare chest and let her suck the milk from his swollen breasts.

"She really is beautiful, babe. We made the cutest baby."

"Hopefully we make a few more beautiful babies." Roger playfully swatted his fiancee, and then returned his gaze to his newborn. 

"I can't wait to raise her with you, Brimi. She's going to do such big things when she gets older."

"I'm sure she will be amazing, Roggie. Thank you again for making me a father." Brian kissed his fiancee.

"Thank you for making me a father, Brimi. I can't wait to see what happens."

Welcome to the world, Ava Louise May!

Here is Brian and Roger's beautiful baby!

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Here is Brian and Roger's beautiful baby!

A/N: So Ava has been born! Yay! One more chapter after this and that will wrap up the story! Thank you to everyone who has read this fic!

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