First Date

616 26 15

July 29th, 1972
Roger's POV

I was currently looking in my closet for an outfit to wear for my first date with Brian. Well, our closet. His clothes to the right, mine to the left. I was getting nervous. I wanted to look my best for him, and I didn't want this date to go bad. If it did, it would be really awkward going forward, considering the fact that we share a bed.

I was still surprised he had asked me out. I didn't think I would ever get a chance to date Brian freaking May. The only person I have managed to fall in love with instantly. Those hazel eyes, the curly hair, the fingers. I love his fingers. They are constantly in my dreams. His features aren't the only things that matter, though. His shy personality and caring nature made me fall even more in love with him.

As I'm panicking to try and find a good outfit, I finally settle on a white suit with an undershirt. I think I look really good in it. I hope Brian will like it.

(Couldn't find a picture of him in it by himself lmao)

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(Couldn't find a picture of him in it by himself lmao)

I laid my outfit out on the bed and go tend to my hair and facial features. I brush out my hair, and style it so that it has small waves in it. I also put on clear lip gloss and a tiny bit of mascara. I usually save makeup for our concerts and for dates, so this is special.

After putting on my outfit, I take one last look in the mirror. It looks perfect. I make my way down to the living area, where Brian is sitting. He looks up as I walk over and I enjoy the look on his face when he sees me.

"You look good Rog!" I just blush. "You look quite cute actually.", he adds a little quieter. My blush grows larger, and I look him up and down. He's wearing his pinstripe suit, which is my favorite. He looks pretty good in it. I notice his fingernails are painted white. Cute.

"You look pretty handsome yourself, Bri

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"You look pretty handsome yourself, Bri." He thanks me and then looks down at his watch. "It's 6:45 Rog. If we leave now we can make it there by 7." I nod my head and follow him out the door. We get to the car, and he opens the passenger side door for me. I giggle and get in the car. He goes to his side and starts driving.

"Where are we going?", I ask him. He smirks at me and answers. "It's a surprise." I fake pout and he does the same, before turning back to look at the road. After what seems like an eternity, he finally pulls into a parking lot. I look closer at the building, and it looks like a...Japanese restaurant? I look over at him and he can tell that I'm excited.

"I knew you liked sushi, and they have vegetarian options here, so here we are." I looked over at him in awe. I think I just fell even more in love with him. We walked into the restaurant, and Brian told the waiter that we would need a table for two. We were led to a table near the back, and seated. A waiter came shortly and asked us what we wanted to drink. Brian and I both ordered a glass of wine. The waiter went to go get our drinks, so me and Brian made small talk.

"Rog, there's been something on my mind that I've been wanting to ask you." I nodded for him to go ahead. "Um, are you gay or bisexual?" I chuckled at his question.

"Bri, I'm most definitely gay. I've known this ever since I was in primary school." He raised his eyebrows at this revelation. "I know. I look like I'm straight. When I told you guys I was going out with a girl. I wasn't. I was going out with a boy. I've never had a girlfriend before."

"Wow. You're right Rog. You look like you're straight. Well without the makeup at least. You look a bit more rainbow with it on. Just so you know, you look beautiful without it." Brian must be on a mission to make my face completely red. If he is, he's succeeding. I smiled at him and looked down.

Before I could say anything else. The waiter came back with our drinks and took our orders. I ordered sushi and Brian ordered a veggie roll. The waiter walked away and then I had a question for Brian.

"Bri. I guess I'll ask you the same question. Are you bi or gay?"

"Well Rog, I'm not 100% sure, but I think I'm gay. I had girlfriends back in my secondary days, and I had one in college, but I just didn't feel an interest in girls much after that. The one boy I dated in college was kind of like an experiment, and I concluded that I liked being with boys more than I liked being with girls."

I just smiled at him. I debated telling him that I had fallen for him as soon as we met, but I didn't tell him. I didn't want to come across as star struck.

Soon the waiter came back with our meals and we dug in. Once we were finished eating, Brian insisted he pay since he was the one who asked me out. I conceded and he paid and left a tip. We left the restaurant and drove home.
At the Flat

We got home and got ready for bed. We were sitting up in the bed together talking about how much fun we had on our date. A Jimi Hendrix album was quietly playing on our record player; he was our favorite.

"Brian. I had so much fun tonight. Thanks for taking me there."

"No problem Rog. I had fun tonight too."

We looked at each other and smiled. My eyes then trailed to his lips. I really wanted to kiss him in this moment. It would end this night off with a bang. I quickly looked up at his eyes and to my surprise they were looking at my lips too. We made eye contact and then looked back down at each other's lips. Suddenly I saw him start to lean in. I started to lean in too. My eyes fluttered shut and I suddenly felt a warm pair of lips on my own. Me and Brian kissed for five seconds, and then we pulled away.

"You're a good kisser.", said Brian

I blushed and told him, "you're not too bad yourself." We leaned back into another kiss. This time it was longer. He ran his tongue over my lip and I opened my mouth to accept it. We French kissed for about five minutes and then pulled away. The kiss seemed to put both of us in a sleepy haze and we started to lay down. I turned off the record player and laid down facing Brian. We put our arms around each other and fell into a contented sleep.

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