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August 13, 1972
Brian's POV

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the beautiful sight of my boyfriend half on top of me. Yes. My boyfriend. Me and Roger had had our third date yesterday. I took him stargazing, which is a favorite pastime of mine. There was a shooting star, which surprised me because I haven't seen one in years. I made a wish, which was to spend the rest of my days with Roger, the love of my life.

Right after the shooting star disappeared, I turned my head towards Rog and smiled at him. He smiled back at me. I asked him to be my boyfriend, to which he eagerly answered yes. We then engaged in a very, very long snog. Which brings us to where we are now. Laying in bed cuddled together.

I felt Roger shift a little and I looked up. He blinked a little and rubbed sleep from his eyes. "Morning babe.", he said. "Morning." I kissed his forehead. He giggled at that. He kissed my cheek. We exchanged kisses for about 5 minutes before we pulled away. I looked over at the clock. It was 10 in the morning.

"Come on Roggie. Let's get up and get breakfast." He nodded and got up. We went down to the kitchen and started on breakfast. I started cooking pancakes for the four of us and Rog started cooking bacon.

Freddie and John came to the kitchen and we greeted them. They sat down at the table and waited for breakfast. I overheard them talking about our recording plans for the week. We were currently recording our debut album and we planned to release it in July of next year.

"So I was thinking we would record Great King Rat tomorrow and then by the end of the week we would be almost done with Liar.", Freddie said.

"Yea that sounds like a plan.", John said. I then realized John and Freddie didn't know about me and Rog. I wasn't ready to tell them yet and I wasn't sure Roger was either. I pushed it to the side for now and just focused on getting breakfast done.
Later that day

We were savoring our lazy day before we had to go back to the studio. Me and Rog were laying in our room cuddling. Freddie and John were out in town, probably shopping.

"Rog. We need to talk about something.", I said.

"What is it, babe?"

"How are we going to keep our relationship a secret? We're the only people who know about this."

"Bri, we just got together yesterday. Don't worry so much about it. The first people I'm planning to tell are my parents. My mom will probably be fine with it but my dad will probably try to kill me. Anyways, I'm not planning to tell them anytime soon."

"You're right Rog. We'll just wait until we're ready and then we'll go from there."

"I'm glad that's figured out. In the meantime, want to make out?", Roger asked me with a suggestive tone. I smirked at him and winked.

"Yea, lets do it."

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