I See You

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February 5, 1974
Roger's POV

Brian and I were admiring the ultrasound photos we had just received from our 12-week doctor visit. Our baby was the size of a lime. The fetus was starting to gain subtle little movements in the womb, but not ones that we could see from the outside.

I had also started showing. I had a cute little baby bump. Not very noticeable, but it was there if you looked closely. Brian had been all over me, kissing my bump and speaking to our baby.

"Hey little one. What are you doing in there? I can't wait to meet you! Daddy loves you so much!" Brian was baby talking and it was so adorable to watch. I just knew that he'd be a great father.

We had been able to hear the baby's heartbeat at the appointment as well, which had both Brian and I in tears. I was kind of hoping that we would have a girl, as I've always dreamed of having a daughter. Brian said it didn't matter to him what gender the baby was, as long as they were healthy.

Freddie and John had gone on a surprise trip and bought a parenting book for Bri and I. I thought that was hilarious, but I knew it would be helpful. They were just as thrilled as we were to see a sign that a baby really was in my tummy.

I knew I had to go shopping for some new clothes soon. I wasn't exactly keen on letting the outside world full of homophobes see my bump just yet. I would miss wearing tight trousers, but I was willing to give them up so I could finally meet my baby.

Later in bed that night, Brian was spooning me in his arms with our hands on my bump and our fingers intertwined. I felt loved by my two favorite people: my boyfriend and his baby.

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