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3rd Person POV

Acceptance. It was all Brian May and Roger Taylor looked for in the world. Being a gay man in the 60s and 70s wasn't exactly a cakewalk. Neither Brian nor Roger knew about the other's homosexuality, or the fact that they fancied each other. For Roger, it was love at first sight. He usually didn't believe in that kind of instant love until it happened to him. Once he laid eyes on the tall, thin lanky man with stunning hazel eyes and a curly mop considered hair, he was done for.

For Brian, it was different. He instantly took interest in Roger, but not in a romantic way. He was still questioning his sexuality, unlike Roger, who realized he was gay all the way back in primary school. Brian took an interest in Roger due to his confident demeanor and his witty personality. He wouldn't develop a crush on Roger until Queen was fully formed, in 1970.

They both considered it a fantasy that they would ever get together. They both assumed that the other was straight. Brian and Roger would sometimes cry at night, trying to get over each other but always failing. They dreamed of each other frequently. They imagined going on dates, waking up next to each other, sharing sweet kisses with each other, and doing all the things couples do with each other. It might sound crazy, but that's what love will do to people.

Roger and Brian's lives were filled with band gigs, turning away the countless girls who would flirt with them after the gigs, and other time consuming things in their day. With all that on their minds, somehow they were on each other's minds all the time. It was driving them crazy, not being able to be with each other.

1972 would be a year of big changes for both Brian and Roger and the band. Queen would sign a contract with Trident, which was a big step in their careers. The year would also bring some blossoming romance between two of the band members.

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