Calling All Girls

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A/N: I have no real medical knowledge, so I'm just guessing what would happen during a checkup on the baby in the womb.

February 19, 1974
Brian's POV

I was currently driving Roger to his 14-week appointment. Our baby was constantly growing and it was amazing to see. Today would be the day we would get to find out whether our little one was a girl or a boy. Roger and I had discussed it and we both had made our prediction. We had also agreed that the most important thing was to have a healthy child.

I finally pulled up to the building and parked the car. I gave Roger's bump a little rub and then got out of the car to open the door for him. We walked into the office together.

After sitting in the waiting room for about 15 minutes, we were ushered back to a room. Our obstetrician, Dr. Calder, greeted us.

"Hello boys! I'm sure you remember that this is the day we will most likely find out the gender of your baby!"

Rog and I just nodded. We were excited but also a bit nervous. I helped my boyfriend get on the table and pulled his shirt up so that the gel could be placed on his stomach. I kissed his bump quickly and then stood up beside him.

"Ok, let's see what we've got here." Dr. Calder moved his wand around on Roger's belly to get the image of our baby up on the screen. Finally our baby appeared and Dr. Calder looked at where the genitals were. Words flickered onto the screen and me and Roger started to cry.

"It's a girl Bri!"

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"It's a girl Bri!"

"We were right, Rog!"

"Congratulations you two! You're going to have a baby girl!"

"Now we can go shopping for them Bri! I'm so excited!"

"Me too, Rog!" I bent down and gave my boyfriend a kiss. I was eager to buy our little girl some new things.
At the store

Me and Rog were looking through all of the little baby clothes. They were all so cute and I smiled to myself envisioning our baby girl in the clothes. We had decided to buy her a couple of jumpers, general play clothes, and a few accessories.

After looking over our choices, we decided on a pink jumper and a pink dress, and some butterfly play clothes.

After looking over our choices, we decided on a pink jumper and a pink dress, and some butterfly play clothes

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We also chose some additional jumpers for when Roger was still in the hospital recovering after birth

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We also chose some additional jumpers for when Roger was still in the hospital recovering after birth. I became emotional just thinking that in about 5 months I would be holding my child in my arms.
At the flat

I had settled into bed with my boyfriend and I was cuddling him and our daughter. He was facing me with his little bump pressed into my stomach. I thought about what our kid would look like. Would she be blonde or brunette? Curly hair or straight? Lanky or short? I also wondered what type of personality she would have. Fiery like my boyfriend or shy like me? Outgoing or introverted? Whatever she turned out to be like, I was going to love her more than anything in the world.

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