Love of My Life

426 20 16

July 18, 1974
Brian's POV

I was starting to get very anxious about things going on in my life. My boyfriend was pregnant and less than a month away from his due date. We had the nursery set up and we also had some bags packed for the hospital. We were supposed to be prepared. However, I couldn't help but worry. I was quite the worrier. What if something went wrong? What if my boyfriend died? What if... the baby died? I tried to push the thoughts out of my head.

"Hey, babe." A soft raspy voice I loved so much interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey, baby." Roger waddled over to me and climbed onto the bed. He laid on his side and snuggled into me. I could feel the baby kicking and started to get emotional. Roger looked up once he heard me sniffling.

"Hey. What's wrong, babe?"

"Oh, nothing. I guess I'm just getting more emotional since we are less than a month away from officially becoming parents."

"Aw, babe." He hugged me and put my hand on his baby bump, which was now very large. We cuddled for about an hour before I realized that I had some shopping to do.

"I've got to run to the store and get something, babe. You gonna be okay here?"

"I'll be fine. John and Freddie can keep me company." I nodded and kissed him before I got up off of the bed and started to get ready.


Roger's POV 

I watched Brian drive off before waddling back to the living room. John and Freddie then came out of their room. 

"Hey, Rog," Freddie spoke. I nodded at him and watched him and John sit on the couch.

"Are you ready to push our little queenie out, darling?"

"Yes and no. I'm excited to meet her, but I'm a little nervous about the whole birthing process."

John looked pensive for a moment, then proceeded. "Are you going to use an epidural?" I was still debating whether or not to use it.

"I'm not sure. I know it would make it a bit easier, but it also could make me paralyzed if something went wrong. I don't think I'll use it."

"Wow, Rog. You're stronger than I ever could be," John said.

We kept talking about all things babies, from what our daughter would be dressed in when she was all cleaned to what we would be doing with her when we got home. Freddie planned to eventually teach her how to play the piano, and John was just happy to play dolls with her. We kept talking until Brian got home at around 3 PM. After eating a late lunch, I followed my boyfriend into our bedroom.

"Rog, I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me tonight?"

"Sure, babe. Where are we going?"

He winked at me. "It's a surprise!"


At the date location

I watched as Brian drove us past the restaurant where we had gone on our first date.

"Remember when you asked me out the day after my birthday?"

"Yes, that's probably the best decision I've ever made. Besides getting you pregnant." I blushed and rubbed a hand over my bump. Brian drove up to the park that was right beside the restaurant. The sun was slowly setting and the sky was a beautiful shade of orange and red. It looked perfect for something romantic. Brian helped me out of the car and we walked over to the nearest patch of grass. We were going to have a picnic.

Brian sat down the picnic blanket and helped me get situated. He then put the picnic basket in the middle and started unpacking it. He had packed two perfectly cut cheese sandwiches, fruit, and two slices of chocolate cake. He had also brought a bottle of sparkling grape juice and two wine glasses.

"This is perfect, my love. Thanks for making this for us."

"Anything for you, Roggie." He kissed me and then he passed me my sandwich so we could begin our picnic. After finishing the last bite of my cake and sipping the last of my sparkling grape juice, I was stuffed. By now, we could see stars in the sky. Brian pulled me to him and started talking about the constellations he could see. After a while, he started to get a nervous look on his face.

"Are you ok, Brimi?"

"Yea, I'm fine. Just give me one second." He went over to the picnic basket and started digging through it, so I pulled myself to sit up. He finally grabbed something out of the basket and quickly stuffed it into his pocket. He came over to me and sat down.

"You know, you look beautiful tonight, Rog." I blushed. "You always look beautiful, whether you're carrying my baby or not. Ever since I made you mine, my life has completely changed. For the better. I got a beautiful boyfriend who has encouraged me to become more bold and adventurous in my life, and who is also going to make me a father in less than a month. Every day I get to wake up to the most amazing man in the world and I get to hold him close at night. I love you so much Roggie, and I can't wait to raise our beautiful daughter together. Possibly even raise some more kids together. I want to grow old with you, Rog." I was full-on crying now and gasped when Brian suddenly got on one knee. He pulled out what he had put in his pocket earlier, which turned out to be a ring box. He opened it and revealed the most beautiful engagement ring.

 He opened it and revealed the most beautiful engagement ring

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"Roger Meddows Taylor, you are the love of my life. I know we cannot legally get married, but I want to make a promise to you that we will be together until the day we die. So, will you marry me?"

"Are you kidding me? Yes, I want to marry you!" I threw my arms out for him to come and hug me, as I was still seated on the blanket. He came over and threw his arms around me. He kissed me deeply, and our daughter started kicking. She was excited too. After a few seconds of kissing, my now fiancee pulled away. He took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto my ring finger. I admired it for a second before he started talking again.

"Rog, I have one more question. I was thinking that we could have a little ceremony in our backyard and pretend it was a wedding, but then after that, I was wondering if you would want to legally change your last name to May, or if you wanted to keep the Taylor and add May to the end? You don't have to, I was just wondering." He looked down shyly.

"Bri. Of course, I'll change my last name to May." He grinned at me open-mouthed and kissed me again.

"I can't wait to call you my husband, Mr. May."

"I'm not Mr. May yet." I teased.

"I know, but after you give birth to our daughter, we'll have the little ceremony in our yard, and then you'll be Mr. May."

"I can't wait. But you're putting a condom on when we have our wedding night. I don't want your cock in me without a condom anytime soon." He chuckled.

"Of course, darling."

Everything was perfect.


A/N: So I finally updated. And they're engaged now. Woo. Look out for the next chapter which should come sooner than later, and buckle up, because it will be one wild ride.

~ Meadow 

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