Prologue - Falling Down

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Y/N looked down at the dark hole she found in her father's lab. She remembered always watching her parents jump down here and coming back the next day. She never saw them go up because they always came back when she was asleep. Today, it was her turn to go down. She looked down at her two slugs, Aquabeek and Hexlet.

Aquabeeks are water slugs that shoot water when shot. When in their full form, they have a hole on their head and like a dolphin or whale, they shoot water out at their opponent.
Hexlets are psychic slugs that when they are shot and hit someone, the opponent gets confused and scared, thinking they already lost the battle.

They were her parent's slug partners. She remembered her parents naming them in front of her. She remembers her mother naming the Aquabeek Ocean and the Hexlet Minder. Y/N exhaled, not even knowing they were even holding their breath. She looked down at the hole before putting their two slugs in their blaster tubes. They took a deep breath and jumped. The wind pushed against her, making a drag.

A drag is when a powerful force of wind is pushing against you and causing you to have a powerful force when you, hit the ground. This is learnt in Science (which I'm not good at), so if I'm wrong please comment so.

Y/N screamed out in fear and excitement before grabbing her blaster from her father's workshop, being made for her when she got older but obviously that was cut short. She got her Aquabeek and shoots, making a pool of water for her. She closes her eyes and waits for the impact. She yelled something as she began trying to find a way to stop herself from having such a hard landing, "IT WOULD BE REALLY NICE TO HAVE AN ARACHNET LIKE, RIGHT NOW!!"

Y/N flapped her arms, trying to fly. She closed her eyes and curled into a ball, feeling the impact of the water on her back. Y/N thought it would of been worse but she was glad she paid attention to PDHD class. She uncurled herself and groaned, floating on the water. She looked beside her and saw Ocean chirping happily. Y/N smiled weakly and sat up, holding her head. She looked down at her Hexlet and Aquabeek climbed up her arm and sat on her shoulder, rubbing her face on her cheek.

Y/N stood up and wobbly walked towards one of the rocks. She used it as a wall to rest herself for a moment before standing up straight and continue to walk along the mushroom pathway. She skipped and turned before seeing a nice herd of slugs. Y/N thought she needed a few more slugs, so she went over to them and lowered to their level, "Hey buddies... Which one of you guys wanna join me on the adventure to find my parents?" she asked, extending her hand towards the slugs. They looked at each other and jumped onto her palm, chirping happily.

Y/N pulled her hand closer to her face so she could see them better. She smiled, seeing as she got a Arachnet, Boon Docs, Blastipede, Enigmo, Geoshard, Hypnogrif, Rammstone, Slicksliver and a Slyren.

An Arachnet is a spider like slug that can shoot string like a spider when transformed. It can tie people up or make people stick in it's web for a good or bad reason.

A Boon Doc is a healing slug, it can heal ghouls from it's evil form and can change it back to a normal slug.

A Blastipede lives up to its name. It has blasters on it's back, called blue detonators. It throws them at it's opponent and it explodes in a matter of time when it is meets with contact.

An Enigmo can blur the opponent's vision when being blasted, so they can grab more time to blast more effective slugs. Although, you can shoot this slug at yourself and not have a negative affect. When shot at yourself, you can see the auras of other slugs and make fusion-shots.

A Geoshard is a slug that shoots crystals at their opponents to damage them. Even though they seem quite basic, they are actually quite dangerous. If the slug hits the wrong spot of a human, their insides can turn into crystals and they can die on the spot. Quite dark, I know... Although, this can be healed with a Slyren.

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