Chapter 2 - Fitting in

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~~~Y/N's POV~~~
I reach the hideout with Eli and I get off my Mecha Beast, following Eli inside. The crew seems to be busy with their own thing to even realise us. Kord and Trixie were playing a video game and Pronto was watching with the slugs, eating chips. I laugh as Trixie kicks Kord's butt in another round but that was cut short when Eli knocked on the, already opened, door.

"Alright, Kord, even though the game looks fun, you need to update Y/N's Mecha Beast, remember?" Eli says, crossing his arms. Kord groans and stands up, walking towards the room where the Mecha Beasts are, "Alright. See you guys in a bit." Kord says, exiting the living room.

"Eli, you are a real bummer. I was about to kick Kord's butt in the finals.." Trixie said, sitting down sadly on the couch. The screen said, 'Waiting for Player 2' as Trixie fiddled with her controller. "Sorry Trix, it's just Kord needs to update Y/N's beast because when we are running away, she might get caught." Eli said, walking towards the couch.

"Don't worry, Trix! I can play with you!" I said, running towards the couch and pushing Eli out of the way. Although, that didn't go as planned. I was pulled down with him and landed on top of him when we both landed, "Oof! Sorry Eli!" I apologise, opening my eyes to meet a bright red blush spread across Eli's face. "Uhhh... Y/N, Eli...?" Trixie said, looking down at us both. "A-Ah! I'm so so so so so so-" I started to apologise but was cut off by Eli chuckling at me. "It's fine, Y/N. If I didn't stop you, we would be here all day." Eli said, laughing. I growl and hit Eli on the head playfully. "Whatever, Shane." I snap, sitting on the couch and grabbing Kord's controller. "Alright, let's race." I saw, starting the game.

It has been a few hours of playing and me and Trix has been playing together for a while. We're having a tie and this round is the winning round. My slugs and Trixie's slugs were cheering us on. Trixie rounds the corner, nearing to the finish line. But I didn't have a say about it yet, as I threw a banana peel at her cart. Her cart went off track and drove into the sidelines. I drove pass her and went through the finish line, winning first place. "LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!" I scream, laughing and cheering. Trixie sighs in second place but I just laugh and cheer on. "Oh Trixie, second place isn't that bad." I say, patting her back.

Trixie smiled sadly at me but we both turned to see Kord exiting the Mecha Beast room, dusting his hands, "Alright, I finished updating Y/N's Mecha Beast. You can try it out or wait until we actually are on the run." Kord says, smiling proudly. I cheer and smile, turning to Eli to see him coming from upstairs with a Shane uniform. "Y/N! I got you an uniform! I thought you would like to ditch the surface outfit..." Eli said, looking at me in embarrassment. "Thanks Eli! This looks amazing! I'm going to change into it right away!" I say, grabbing the Uniform and running upstairs to change.

I take off my jacket and shirt, putting on the Shane Uniform. It was like Eli's shirt but instead of orange stripes, it had purple and it was like a crop top. It had a purple line to end the top and purple strips extending to the sides, diagonally from the bottom strip, until it couldn't go on any further. It had the Shane star logo on my right. I laugh and grab the pants, being greeted with black tight with a belt to place my blaster and slugs. I put on the pants and throw the jeans away. I then grab a hairtie with the Shane logo on it and tie my hair into a high ponytail (if you have short hair, then this is a normal, short ponytail for you.) I adjust the star on the hairtie, so it faces the top so everyone can see it. I grab the fingerless gloves and put them on, slipping on the new sneakers.

'Woah... This is amazing..' I thought, smiling and running downstairs. I show my new self and laugh, as Trixie, Kord and Pronto smile at me. I turn to Eli to see him blushing slightly. I just shrug it off though. I walk over to my slugs and put them in their slots and placed them on my belt. "This is amazing! I'm like a true Shane!" I say, laughing. "Uhh, not to be a bummer, but I'm getting reports saying there is trouble in Quiet Lawn Cavern."

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