Chapter 3 - Mall Infection

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A/N: This chapter is based on the episode S1 E13 - Dawn of the Slug. If you haven't watched it, please search it up or there will be Spoilers here. Also, from this chapter on, I will be going off the episodes. So watching the Slugterra series is much more necessary now if you don't want to get spoiled :)
Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

~~~Eli's POV~~~
We were riding around the caverns for a while and Y/N still hasn't woken up. "Man, she really had an outburst. She used all of her energy." Kord said, still following Trixie. I sigh and look at Y/N peacefully sleeping. I look up and see we were reaching the troubled cavern. I follow my friends inside the town cavern and see everyone celebrating we were here to save them. I feel something move behind me and see Y/N has woken up, stretching and yawning. "Whadda miss?" she asks, rubbing her eyes. 'It's kinda cute when she's tired. Wait, what!? Pull it together, Eli.'

"We're at another troubled cavern. They need us to help them. You up for it or want to stay on my Mecha and sleep??" I ask, jumping off my Mecha. She yawns once more and mumbles, "Heck yeah I want to join kick baddie ass..." she gets off slowly and wobbles towards her Mecha Beast, unhooking the rope from her Mecha. She drops the rope and face-plants herself on the head. "Someone Tazerling me..." she says, raising a hand. Kord doesn't hesitate and shoots a Tazerling at Y/N. She gets shocked and after it was done, she was shaken and very much awake. "I'M AWAKE!" She screams, blinking rapidly. She rubs her eyes and quickly grabs her blaster and slugs, turning to us.

"Alright, let's go kick some butt!" she says, kicking her leg high. She really was energetic now. I chuckle at her and then tell the team to follow me. I turn to one of the town people and ask what the problem was. We reach a mall. I raise an eyebrow and turn to my gang. Y/N walks up to the door and opened it, confused. She looks back at the crew and opens the door wide open. It was dark and empty inside. I shrugged and went inside, everyone following in behind me.

~~~Y/N's POV~~~
I was a bit cautious about this because of how empty and dark a popular mall was. I followed Eli and the rest into the mall centre and saw it was darker than the entrance hall. "You're still gonna love this mall. It has e v e r y t h i n g." Kord says, walking into the centre as well. Eli looks around, "everything except people..." he says, raising a finger. We all awkwardly stand there as we all try to find anyone in sight. "Are we...early...?" Eli questioned, looking around. "Maybe it's closed." Trixie said, facing Eli. "If it is closed or not, Pronto will get that new handbag!" Pronto exclaimed, holding is old, dirty and broken handbag above his head. We all look at him and rolled our eyes before hearing a stomping sound above us. We all look up and then at each other, Eli shushing us. We turn around and see people walking towards us... Wait... No... People? They were pale green and... Walking slowly and strangely, like they were injured. They had red eyes with spirls of black. "Well, that would explain it..." Eli said, sighing. "Zombies." Eli states, pointing at herd of weirdly coloured and acting group.

Pronto gasps and backs away, "See, Pronto will bravely take the chance to get us to safety!" He tried to make a dash for it but Eli grabbed him from behind, "Every Halloween, my dad and I watch a zombie movie together. So I know what I'm talking about. And the first rule of zombie infection is don't. panic." he explains, letting go of Pronto and facing the herd. "Eli...are you sure about this...?" I ask, backing up behind Eli. "So, uh, what's the second rule?" Trixie asks, her eyes looking side to side through the herd of zombies. "Zombies are scary, but slow and only dangerous in numbers. If we make our way calmly to the exit, we should have no problem." he explains, looking at us. We nod and turn around to see a running group of zombies coming towards us. "Slow!? Your zombie rule book needs an update, bro!" Kord says, turning to Eli. We look up to see a zombie standing on the balcony, ready to jump.

We all back away from the area as the zombie jumped down. "Yeah, uh, rule number 3. RUN!!!" Eli screams, all of us running towards the hallway behind us, the group of zombies following. "Definitely not your usual mall invasion zombies." Eli states, grabbing his blaster and firing his Frostcrawler.

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