Chapter 9 - Lookout

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Sitting here, blank minded, sucks. I sat on the white bed, buckles on my arms and legs dangled from the clothing I was wearing.

It has been a while since I've sat here. My blue tipped hair stood out in the white room. I hated being here because of how captive and boring it was. It legit drove me insane sometimes.

Apparently, it was designed to calm me from anything that angered me and I would usually stay here for a few days or so. It frustrated me because I didn't want to stay here, having the silence ring in my ears everyday.

I mumbled slurs at the room and stood up from the bed once more, walking around the oh so familiar room. No, I think it isn't hard to memorise this piece of shit room.

There is no way out of this room. If I got too aggressive, they would tie my arms up with these buckles, that now dangle uselessly against my clothes, and sometimes my legs too.

I went up to the door and stared at the bulky structure of how it was built. A frown itched my lips as I stood on my tippy toes, peeking out the small window on the tall door.

The hallways were empty and abandoned as usual. They usually turn off the lights at night so I'm forced to sleep when it does dark. It was near afternoon because the lights were brighter than usual.

I'm not sure how I got that from but being in here for so long, it was about time I found something that told me the difference between morning and afternoon.

My eyes scanned the hallways once more because my feet grew tired and slammed back down onto their heel and flats. Grumbling lightly, I sat down near the door and started to count.

I never really had a limit to stop but my high score is two million, six hundred and twenty-eight thousand and three. That's a month and 1 second. It was kinda scary counting for that long in night time too because I'm scared of the dark but I would always scream the number I'm counting if I heard something.

And they would go silent. That proves everyone and everything is scared of anything that is related to maths. Really cool, isn't it!? Don't ask how I remember my high score. I just do.

I was up to 76 until the door pushed against my back. I stood up and stared eagerly at the opening door. I was expecting a minion or Twist to open it to let me out but I was surprised to see Dr Blakk calmly walking into the hellhole of the room.

"Dr Blakk?" I muttered in shock. His sinister smile stained his lips once more as he walked around the room, the door closing behind him. "Well, Rei. How are you?" Shockingly calm and annoying too.

"I'm doing.. Fine?" It came out more of a question than a statement but I don't think he cared. "Wonderful. I have some questions." My eyebrow raised in confusion and curiosity.

"Questions?" It came out of my mouth before I could react. Before I could take it back, Dr Blakk turned to face me and his eyes pierced him. "Yes. Questions." He responded.

He sat down on the white bed and patted the spot next to him. I sat down next to him, shuffling away when he wasn't looking. "Now, first question." He turned back to me, which caused me to stop moving at all.

"What happened at the Mossy Caverns?" Oh boy. This is going to be a bad one.


I sat on the couch, my mood gloomy and sad. It was only yesterday when we let go of Ankoku but I miss him dearly. We didn't even bond very well over the time because he was a killing machine.

I didn't care though. He was the cutest thing in that forest and managed to protect me from anything dangerous. Sighing from the sad thoughts, I stood up and got something to eat from the kitchen.

The Underworld ¦ Slugterra Fanfiction (Eli Shane x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now