Chapter 8 - Company

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Credits to the artist (THAT MEANS THIS ARTWORK ISNT MINE) -
@sui_moon09 on Twitter, check her out! Her art is amazing.

~~~¿¿¿'s POV~~~
I strutted through the hallways of Blakk's lair, glaring at anyone who dared to stare at me.

I had a reputation in Dr Blakk's lair. A reputation of really good ghouls and a body count of thousands. Of course, it's only partly true. There's only so many you can kill.

It's sometimes annoying when you come off as a death killing machine, since nobody wants to even come near you. It gets lonely but there's only so much you can wish for.

There is one person who wasnt afraid of me. And we're now inseparable. Well, figuratively. We don't sleep in the same bed or something. Ugh.

I shuttered at the thought and my hands crawled up my arms, I shivered once again. Not from the cold. God, there wasn't even an air conditioner in here.

I shook off the uneasy feeling and reached the door of Twist's room. "Huh.. It's different from before." I muttered, since it was only a few months since I've been here yet Twist had found a way to give his whole room a new aura.

I rolled my eyes, unfazed, and opened the door, being met with a familiar boy on his bed. "I've heard you've come back." He stood up, not looking at me.

"Yeah. I have." I replied, my voice coming out calmer then I thought. "Why?" That question caught me off guard.

"Why?" I replied, raising an eyebrow. "Yes. Are you deaf or something!" He raised his voice, making my grip on his doorknob be tighter. "Don't be like that." He replied in a calmer voice.

"Like what?" I replied, now looking at the floor. "Being that manipulative persona when we were younger." I smirked, "You've gotten smarter."

I closed the door behind me and leaned on the wall, looking at his roof. "You've changed as well." I replied, looking back down at him. He still remained in the same position, staring at his floor.

"What's so interesting down there? Found a dead bug near your feet? Or staring at your coc-" His action were inhuman if I say so myself. Before I could process it, I was pinned onto a wall with someone pressing against my lower half so I couldn't move.

I stared at the icy blue eyes that pierced my own. "What? Are you horny now?" I managed to joke, even in my position. His hair wasn't fixed so it was all over the place. To be honest, it looked better not prepared.

"You know what you did." I raised an eyebrow, quite calm and collected in this situation. "I do. But care to enlighten me?" I said, my calm aura making Twist's eyebrow twitch.

He backed off a bit but I placed my arm over his shoulder, yawning. "Story time?" I joked, sitting down with him onto his bed.

"You're pushing my buttons, aren't you?" He growled, pushing me off him. "Rude. I might be, you don't know." I replied, pouting.

"Dont be a child. We have a mission to do." He rasped out. "How do you know?" I raised my eyebrow again, laying on his bed. "Blakk told me beforehand." He answered.

"So I came here for nothing?" I snorted, slightly annoyed. "Maybe. You did annoy me though." He, I guess, sympathised. "Tsk. Whatever. We might as well get productive now." I sighed, sitting up and stretching, standing up again.

"Seems so." Twist stood up next to me. We both got to the door and he grabbed the door knob, opening it. "Ladies first." He mocked. I snorted and pushed him out of the way, leaving the room.

"Rude!" He called out to me as I went to opposite direction. "Don't mock my personality then!" I yelled back, hearing his laugh as I walked off.


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