Chapter 5 - Low Temperature

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A/N: This chapter was asked for from AJK_Wonderz. Go check them out and if you see them in the comments, don't be afraid to reply to them. They're really nice and supports this book a lot! <3

~~~Y/N's POV~~~
Ever since the Twist accident, Eli has been extremely unfocused and he usually ends up talking about Twist in conversations. I was getting annoyed about how much attention Twist got from Eli, even if he isn't here, but I makes sense. Twist has drilled his way into Eli's heart and comfortably make a space for himself in there. But, this time, temperatures got low and Twist wasn't the only worry we had to deal with now.

A/N: MWAHAHAHA. I kinda lied. I might be using episodes for inspiration but it won't be word for word or scene for scene. This might not happen this chapter but definitely will happen in future chapters. I will obviously warn you if this happens, because, spoilers. But, I will be more original in future chapters now. Anyway, enjoy :D

~~~Y/N's POV | Present Time~~~
"Eli, we have a report coming from the Icy Caverns. We might be able to get Y/N a new Frostclawer there." Trixie said from her tablet, not looking up to maintain eye contact. "Perfect! Let's go then!" Eli exclaimed, standing up instantly from his seat, "Uh, bro, sorry to break it to you but Icy Caverns equal to hella low temperatures." Kord informed, raising a hand, "We can't just waddle in and expect to be absolutely fine with the temperature that low." Kord added on, giving Eli a worried look.

"No problem-o! We'll just get thick fur coats from the shopping mall!" Eli exclaimed once more, way too excited for this. "Eli, I know you're excited for a mission, since we haven't done any for a while, but you need to plan this first. Kord is right, we can't just walk in and expect everything to be fine. This isn't pretend improv." I say, frowning. I see Eli's smile fade slightly but he obviously wasn't giving us, "Come on, guys! Don't be such bummers! We'll just go in, save the person and then get Y/N a new Frostclawer before getting out of there!" Eli explained, smiling proudly. "Eli you know this isn't a good idea." I say. Eli just glared at me...

... And so, we were walking around in the shopping mall with thick, winter coats stuffed into our bags. "I told you this was a good idea, Y/N!" Eli said, quickly walking out the shopping centre. "Pronto does no complain! Here, he got himself a new handbag! And this time, it's very flashy!" Pronto exclaimed from behind us, holding up a handbag with a bunch of jewels on it, "Uhh... Pronto... How much did that cost...?" Trixie asked. Pronto smiled proudly before exclaiming, "Pronto found it on the floor outside the handbag shop! So since nobody owned it, Pronto took it and ran away with it himself!" "Pronto!?" we screamed, sighing. "What!?" Pronto replied in a defensive tone.

~~~Back at the hideout~~~
"Alright, Eli, let's at least have a plan." I say, laying out a map of the Icy Caverns that Pronto made. "Alright, so, here is where they say they are. Or, by their surroundings in the video, it looks like they are in the ice crystal area." Eli started to plan out on the map, looking up to us, "The entrance is here, so we'll go straight to the ice crystals and if we meet any enemies, we'll go around and then go back on track to the ice crystals." Eli started to explain once more, moving his finger to whenever he says directions.

"Sooo...What about the icy giants or whatever they are." I say, pointing to the very top right of the map. "Ah, well, we just won't disturb them. It'll be fine." Eli said, smiling at me. I stared at his face for a moment, treasuring the moment in my brain. His white teeth, his blue, diamond eyes, his navy blue hair... "Y/N??" I blink at my name and realised I've been staring, "A-Ah! I'm sorry!" I apologised, in a quick pace. My cheeks were coloured in red after this but Eli saved me from passing out from overheat, "It's alright, Y/N. Let's just focus." Eli reassured me, smiling again. "Alright. Let's go then! We have a stable plan and the equipment we need!" Trixie said, running towards our Mecha Beasts. "Let's go, Y/N." Eli smiles to me, walking to his own Mecha Beast, 'Jeez, why is he so cute...'

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