Chapter 4 PT 1 - Jealousy Or Suspions?

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~~~Narrator's POV~~~
Ever since the mall infection, reports has lessen and the Shane Gang has been busy with reports still needing to be saved. It has been running smoothly but...what happens if a new member joins the Shane Gang and snatches Y/N's spotlight?...

A/N: This chapter contains spoilers for Slugterra Season 1 Episode 14. Anyway, enjoy! Also, this isn't exactly like the episode because nobody likes to read a chapter that is exactly like the episode but just with Y/B's comments and stealing lines. Lol.

~~~Y/N's POV~~~
We jumped down from the rooftops, seeing Dr Blakk's minion run left. "Trixie, Kord, go right. Pronto, Y/N, you're with me." Eli instructs. We all nod and then ran the direction we were given. Me, Pronto and Eli ran after the Blakk minion. Pronto lacked behind but we didn't stop for him. The minion looks behind at us and then takes a corner, meeting a deadend. We stop in front of him and pull out our blasters, "There's no way out. Hand them over." I said, pointing at the object he was holding.

He ran into the alleyway and started to climb up the walls, "Grab him!" Eli says, running after him. We both climb up the walls and run after the minion. My hair blew in the wind as I picked up the speed. We jumped rooftop to rooftop as the minion struggled to escape. He then jumped onto a thin scrape of metal and we both load in our Arachnet, swinging towards the male. We both corner the person on the rooftop.

He holds up his arms in surrender but surprises us by leaning backwards, falling off the rooftop and jumping onto the lamp post. We both look down to see him run off, back on the pathway. I snarl and jump off as well, sliding down the lamp post and running after him, "You little..."

We all run after him and meet at the same place, the bar. I lean on Eli, catching my breath. I groan, rubbing my legs. I've pushed myself to the limit again. I feel Eli turn his head, not moving his body so he doesn't disturb my rest, "Pronto, what do you know about this place?" he asks. Pronto places his hand on his chin and thinks for a moment before replying, "Oh, yes, you will never find another place more foul and wretched than this one." he replies, narrowing his eyes. "Their soup is good though. Also, it is a dead end." he adds on some useless information, like always. But the end sentence was informative.

I roll my eyes and stand up straight, trying to walk but finding myself falling over. My knees bend and I fall down into the dirt. Eli sighs and lifts me back to my feet, dusting the dirt off my knees. Kord then lifts me up and piggy backs me. "That's what I like to hear. Everyone, stay here. I'll go flush him out." Eli says, walking into the bar. I sigh and wiggle my legs, jumping off Kord's back, "I can walk myself." I mumbled, crossing my arms. We wait outside, with our blasters ready. Soon after, Eli runs out the bar, yelling at us, "RUN!!!" he screams, as a group of Dr Blakk's workers explode the doorway of the bar. My eyes widened as I cursed under my breath, running away.

"Opinions, Eli!?" Trixie yells, as we all run down the pathway, "Working on it!!" he replies. I find my legs go numb from the pain. I ignore it and pushed myself so I could catch up with the team. We took a left turn and met with a dead end, pipes and a large scrap of metal blocking the way. We turn around to see the minions blocking our way out. We turn around to the pipes to see the scarp of metal blocking the way and a boy around Eli's age appearing, "Follow me if you want to live." I turned back and narrowed my eyes at the enterence and jumped over the pipes, following the blonde boy.

The minions came running towards us and we dodged the pipes, sliding down under them or jumping over them, "This way!" the boy slides down another pipe and leads us into an alleyway. I turn to see Pronto stuck in the pipe. He comes flying out while Kord appears. Pronto fires a Rammstone that beats down the pipes and makes a huge mess so the enemies can't get through. A minion got through in time though and fired a Grimmstone at us.

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