Chapter 1 - First Meet

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A/N: If I make a mistake, it probably will be fixed later because I don't proof-read. Also, the picture above is your Mecha Beast. If I start talking in third person for any POV and make it confusing, sorry :<

~~~Eli's POV~~~
I stop my Mecha Beast and turn around to see Y/N lazily sitting there, staring off into the distance. I looked at her slugs and realised how some of them are really rare. I raised an eyebrow, seeing her slugs peek their head out of their slots. I raise my hand to get her Hypnogrif for a closer look. It happily hopped onto my hand and I pet it, looking up to see Y/N glaring at me with her arms crossed. "Alright, am I going to get my Mecha Beast or what?" she says, raising an eyebrow.

"R-Right...heh. This way.." I said, jumping off my Beast and walking towards Redhook's shop. Y/N followed and we both entered the shop to be greeted by an angry Redhook, halfway through their meal. But his glare soon turned into soft shock, "Y/N L/N...? Well, whatcha know? Both talented children of talented parents. Both in my shop." Redhook said, placing down his meal.

"What do you mean, talented children...? Eli is only one person." Y/N said, placing a hand on her hip. "Well, Y/N. You are part of the L/N family tree. The family that has the talent of knowing everything about slugs and can bond with them with ease. You also have a thing of...attracting rare slugs. See how you already have a Hypnogrif, a Boon Doc, Geoshard and a Hexlet." Redhook explained, surprising Y/N dearly.

"Anyway, we're here for a Mecha Beast. Think you can give Y/N here one?" I said, placing my hand on my hip. Redhook chuckled and then got out a box with a Shane Star, "Why the Shane Logo?" Y/N asked, placing a hand on the box. Redhook remained silent before looking at Y/N, "You and Eli's parents were very close and while they were updating their blasters, they decided to make a blaster for their children in case their orginal blasters go, BOOM" Redhook waved both of his hands and rolling his eyes together to show he was exploded.

Y/N raised an eyebrow and opened the box to find more slug slots, a double blaster and a blaster just like mine but instead of an orange colour, it had a shiny purple colour. "Why purple?" I said, looking at Y/N pulling the blaster out of the case and putting the slots and double barrel away. "Purple means luxury, truthful, beautiful, honest, knowledgeable, warmth and etc. My parents called me Lavender because it was known for it's colour purple." "Interesting... Anyway, got a Mecha Beast?" I said, looking at Redhook. Redhook smiled and walked away from the counter, coming back with a lever.

Redhook came back and walked right pass us, Y/N and I looked at each other before following. Y/N placing her double blaster in her pocket (don't ask how) and placed her new blaster in her blaster pocket, placing her old one on the counter. We both followed Redhook and then I heard Y/N gasp and when I soon understood why when I saw a Dragon Mecha Beast in front of me (the picture above)

A double barrel is a shooter which has a slot that can store two slugs and when shot, they transform and become a double-barrel. Aka the slugs combine and becomes more powerful. But only a certain amount of slugs work together. If you do the wrong combination, it would cause a negative effect. You can choose a good combination by getting hit by a Enigmo to see the auras of other slugs.

"Woah! This is so cool! I will have to say thanks to my parents about all of this stuff when I find them again!" Y/N said, petting the Mecha Beast on the head. Redhook then stopped and turned to Y/N. "Your parents went missing a week after Eli's, am I correct?" he asks. Y/N nod, "Yes, but what does it have to do with Y/N's parents?" I ask, raising a hand. "Y/N's parents came over here one last time and asked where Will Shane went. I said I didn't know and they then grabbed a few things, paid it with gold and left without their Aquabeek and Hexlet. There was a note saying send the slugs to an open area near the drop. And so I did.." Redhook explained, pointing and Y/N's slugs. "Y/N's parents left their child to find Will Shane." Redhook said bluntly, walking back behind the counter.

The Underworld ¦ Slugterra Fanfiction (Eli Shane x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now