Mini Easter Egg

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While you guys are waiting for another chapter, I've decided to go into the future and make this chapter where Eli and Y/N are very close. Enjoy! ~

Join the story, (Author)?


(Author) has joined the story.

It was dark. Silence ringed in my ears as I felt myself move. I looked around but I saw nothing. I felt blind. Helpless. Naked. I shivered and looked next to me to see Y/N sleeping peacefully. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest as she curled her legs closer to herself.

"You're awake." the darkness spoke to me. I felt blind as I looked up, still let with darkness. A dim light appeared to show the outline of something.

No, Someone. A female. There was the sound of a rolling chair as the girl's face appeared in the light. She wasn't smiling, or crying. In fact, no emotion showed on her face.

"Who are you!? Do you work for Blakk!? Where are we? What do you want from us!?" Questions tumbled out of my mouth like boulders rolling down a mountain. It was so sudden, I didn't even see it myself.

The female remained silent for a couple of seconds before her lips curled up into a smile, "Oh! Right. You don't know me! Kahahah! How silly of me!" the girl laughed out, looking back at me with a wide smile. I was confused, to say the least, that this random girl that came out of nowhere was suddenly laughing at me.

"I'm (Author). I haven't.. How do I say this... I guess I could say I haven't appeared into your life until now. You don't know me, but I know everything about you." the girl, who's apparently named (Author), replied. "How do you know me if we never met? Are you a spy for Dr Blakk? What have you've told him!?" I shout once more as Y/N shuffled in my arms.

"Now, Now.. You don't want to wake up Y/N, do you..?" (Author) asks in an evil manner. She seemed suspicious in every way possible. "I mean no harm, but I'm responsible for everything in your life. Including your heart beat." Before I could react, (Author) snapped her fingers and Y/N disappeared from my arms.

I look up to yell at the girl once more but I then find Y/N peacefully sleeping where (Author) was." Y/N!!" I scream, standing up. I ran up to the desk and reached out my hand to touch Y/N's cheek but I felt my body stop. All my commands were just words in my mind.

I try to push myself into the desk but my body remained still, as if I was frozen in ice. "Now, will you let me explain?" (Author) appears once more. She was standing next to Y/N, holding the back at her spinney chair. I growl but didn't say anything. She narrows her eyes and snaps her fingers once more, seating me on a chair in front of her.

"Very well then. Like I said, before I was rudely interrupted, I'm (Author). I'm in responsibility of your lives and actions. Even though you seem to be in rage and anger at my now actions, I swear, I mean no harm and will only hurt you if you attack me first. Is that clear?" (Author) explains, eyeing me.

I glare at her back before nodding slowly. She sighs and snaps her fingers, Y/N disappearing but my body back in my control. "What did you do to Y/N!?" I question loudly. (Author) didn't say anything and walked over to a door that I didn't even realise. She holds the doorknob as I walk towards her, "Inside here, are three doors. You must choose which door to pick. In the end, you will go through all three doors." (Author) explains, turning the doorknob and opening the room.

The room was just like the last. Nothing. Nothing but three doors, just like the girl said. I walk up to the doors and saw a bold word above all of them.

The Underworld ¦ Slugterra Fanfiction (Eli Shane x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now