Breaker - "Mini Easter Egg" PT. 2

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I've recently reread my "Mini Easter Egg" chapter and decided to continue it since I left you all on a cliffhanger. This may have a proper ending up this isn't going to be included into the actual, canon story.

This is kind of like an AU including myself and this story. Scenes in this chapter may seem weird because it hasn't happened in the canon book yet, so let's just say we're in the future.

Please read or reread PT. 1 before reading this chapter and enjoy!


"(Author)! Stop this instant! You cannot go back in there!"

'Leave me alone! I have to go back into there. There's been a bug and it's going to destroy the whole book!'

"You can die, for goodness sakes! Can't be just rewrite the story! Let the bug do its thing! I'm sure the readers will under-"

No! I mean.. Yes, but no. The readers would understand but they would ask questions. Plus, what if the second book doesn't get as successful!? This book has memories that cannot be rewritten!

"What is soooo precious about this book that you have to risk your virtual life for it!? You might break your Wattpad account!"

That's a risk I'll take for my book.

(Author) Welcome back. Join the story?



(Author) has joined the story.
Welcome back. We missed you. Enjoy your stay


Gosh.. This is worse than I thought. Even the separaters don't work..

Now.. Where was I?.. Right. Now.. Let me see if this still works.

There was a loud snap and everyone's vision went white. Everyone and everything was blinded, as the code searched for a specific someone. There was a loud beeping and *error* they *error* appear *error*

Please fix bug...

Eli rubbed his head as the light faded away, an unbearable pain throbbed his head as he sat up from a soft landing. He looked around to see someone familiar. The same dark space that he was in nearly a year ago.

He thought he escaped this place. Why is it back now? Was there something wrong? There was a lot of missing people recently.. Even Dr Blakk people went missing. They havent found them yet but.. They should find them eventually.

Goodness.. The narrator nearly broke. This bug is harsh.

Eli's ears perked up at a very familiar voice. "(Author)?..." His voice was raspy and quiet, like an old radio player, scraping against an old disk. "I'm here.. I'm here." Eli was shocked, her appearance was horrible.

Eyebags shaded her eyes and her hair was a mess, strands poking out everywhere. Her clothes had creases and looked like she rushed to put it on. "There's been a problem. I don't know how to fix it." She sat down quickly on her spinney chair and looked around her desk.

"What am I meant to do?" I looked at her, standing up from the bed I was on a year ago. I looked down at the platform before walking up to (Author). "I can't explain it but.." She started but her words faded away like mist. "Why not?" I asked.

"Let me put it this way.. It's kind of like a.. Wall?" It sounded more like a question rather than a statement but I didn't push it. "How am I meant to help then?" I asked again. "Well.. You are the most important person in this.. Life." Her words were hesitated and she thought a lot before she spoke.

The Underworld ¦ Slugterra Fanfiction (Eli Shane x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now