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So, I've realised my book is dying out a bit. So this is what's going to happen-

I'm going to start making short chapters or writing long/medium chapters of things I feel motivated to write. BUT. But. They have to include the Slugterra characters. So, no, I'm not slowly abandoning the Slugterra Fandom and letting this story down like the other stories. I will entertain while complete this book no matter what.

I will start with my own idea and you are more than welcome to request anything about the Slugterra mini chapters. I will make these later on but, you know, let's stop rambling and start this mini chapter.

Context- School AU
School AU includes- Human! Kord, Human! Pronto. No Slugterra. High school! Shane Gang.

Only slight changes to the friend group, they will still be called the Shane Gang but I made Eli 'known' in a different way. Y/N and Eli are going to be in a relationship later on in the story.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. It's been painful hours, no idea how long I've been here. Picking up my Muji pen again, I continued my notes.

Muji is a brand where a lot of aesthetic items are bought, very popular.

I grabbed my highlighters, making my notes aesthetic and not a pain in the eyes to see. The bright, pastel colours splattered the paper and different coloured pens traced the large highlighted words.

Taking out my paintbrush tip pen, I started to do calligraphy on my page. Finally finishing my title, I started to write in small paragraphs and doing sub-titles in highlights.

I picked up my phone and scanned the screen, seeing it was 6:44pm. I've been here for nearly 4 hours. Groaning, I finished my small noting paragraph and slamming my book closed.

Quickly, I packed up and zipped up my bag, making sure I didn't forget anything. After shoving my ruler into my bag and carelessly zipping up my bag, I grabbed my phone and fixed my uniform jacket after standing up.

Scrolling through my social media, I pushed my chair back under the table and left the library. The school hallways had other senior students littered here and there. Yawning, I walked towards my locker and unlocked it.

Flicking my fingers through my organised folders, taking out a white folder and taking off my bag, taking a piece of paper out and slipping it inside. It was an assignment due tomorrow. I closed my folder and placed the white booklet back inside my locker.

Once I closed it, a muscluar male with tan skin was seen leaning against the locker next to him. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes, picking up my bag and walking pass him.

Well, I would if he didn't put out my arm and forcing me to stop.

"What do you want this time." I said coldly, not in the mood for this.

"Do you have any spare notes?" A deep voice replied.

Growling lightly, I took out a folded paper out of my pocket and placed it out.

The arm retreated with the paper and I rubbed my eyes, slightly pissed. "Get your own notes next time, Kord. I spent 10 minutes on yours." I replied softly, genuinely worried for the mechanical boy.

"I know! I know!" He replied, frowning and turning around to look at me. "Hey, where are all the highlights and everything? It's so bland yet neat." Kord questioned, ruffling his blue dyed hair. "I didn't add them. It was too much work." I answered softly, my eyelids growing heavy.

"Man. What a shame. Thanks again!" Kord thanked loudly, walking off. Probably to finish his project or something. Sighing loudly, I walked over to the school exit and entrance glass doors.

The Underworld ¦ Slugterra Fanfiction (Eli Shane x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now