Chapter 10 - Backfired?

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"XV and Twist.."

"What do you guys want!?" Trixie yelled out as we tried to back out of the alleyway but an army of minions blocked our way. "Oh, don't be so mean Trixie! What happened to the times when we were best friends." Trixie seemed annoyed at this comment and a snarl formed on her face.

"We're not friends anymore!" Trixie yelled back, glaring at the minions in front of the crowd. They cowered at her sight. "What do you want?" Eli repeated, turning to the front to face the two villains.

"Oh, nothing much.. Maybe I just want your.. Slugs?" I fumbled with my handles and mumbled words that could not be made out. "Nothing new, I suppose." Kord mumbled sadly.

"Why can't you just leave us alone!?" Trixie yelped out, her eyes scanning the area. "Why are you so hostile today, hunny?" XV frowned, pouting childishly. Trixie simply snarled at the enemy.

"Now, make this easy for us and tell us where your slugs are." Twist butted in before XV can continue on. "We don't know where they are either." I replied, taking another step forward.

"Don't move." Twist threatened. All the minions behind me pointed their blasters at me. "OK then.. Well, we don't know where they are so can you just let us get out of this disgusting alleyway?" I cringed at the smell of the trash bags somewhere.

Twist and XV looked at each other before bursting out laughing. "Likely story!" They both chorused, causing all of us to furrow our eyebrows to gather and frown at them. "It's true!" Pronoto yelled out, his voice hitting an uncomfortable high note.

"Yeah,Yeah,Yeah. How about you just give us the slugs you have on you now? Maybe that would be more easier." I gasped silently and looked down at my remaining slugs, which wasnt a lot. They weren't a first choice in a slug shoot off but they mean a lot to me.

"No way! Leave our slugs alone!" Eli protested, stepping up. "Oh, I thought we could do this the easy way, seeing as your position isn't the possible best." Twist sighed and reached for his blaster. "I guess the Shane Gang likes to do things the hard way."

"You'll be remembered dearly. At least for the oblivious citizens.."


I lifted my arm up, holding up a slug slot. "We'll give you our slugs." The rest of the gang looked at me as if I was crazy. "But the rest don't have slugs. We can only give you mine.." The Shane Gang looked down at their slug slots to see them empty and a shocked expression painted their face.

"Hmm.. Indeed, you are correct.. Well, then hand them over. We'll just get the rest of your slugs we Y/N's ghouled ones." Twist wore a dark smile which made me feel a little bit doubtful about this plan.

XV walked up to me and placed out his hand. It had a bunch of tiny tattoos on them and a small, black ring that clicked against the sliver one on the finger next to the other.

"Dont try anything funny, kid." He snarled in a low voice, that made me shiver. I looked down at my slug slot in my hand and placed them into his hand. I pulled my hand away from his to reveal three slug slots which contained slugs that you could not see because of the foggy, blue container.

XV raised an eyebrow and looked at me but I simply smirked and lifted my hand. "You will be remembered. For now."

The moment I spread out my hand from a fist, a bunch of slug shooting could be heard. Everyone looked up to see the slugs being shot from the ceilings of the buildings making this alleyway from two sticks and elastic bands.

Explosions and dust filled the alleyway, trash bags and metal bin lids flew everywhere. I coughed and took a moment to see my surroundings before seeing the Shane Gang run out of the dust turn to me. I nod and picked up all of the slugs that sped past me, letting them hang onto my Mecha.

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