Chapter 4 PT 2 - New Worker

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A/N: This is part 2 of Chapter 4, or eposide 15, season 1, of Slugterra. If you haven't, I recommend you read the last chapter, as the start instantly gives spoilers to the last chapter AND the eposide 14 of Slugterra. Also, you will have NO idea about what we're talking about if you don't read the last chapter. Any who, enjoy the chapter!

Also, I lied in the A/N, I didn't realise the amount of homework and catching up I had to do in the weekends, so, once again, I'm sincerely sorry for the late update. I'll do better :')

~~~Y/N's POV~~~
It's been a while since the ghoul freement and I still shuttered or shivered when the mission was mentioned in a conversion. Eli realised this and we took a break off from big missions like going to another ghoul depot. Although, Twist couldn't keep his balls calm and insisted we go steal Dr Blakk's dark water. Apparently his 'intercon' informed him all about the dark water transport date, time, location and whatever.

I was quite skeptical about this and the rest of the crew was on the edge of their seat when this was mentioned at our dinner last night but when I agreed to continue to take down large amounts of dark water and ghouls, everyone else did so. I suppose I was the reason why they were hesitate with their answer. I did feel guilty but I knew it was because they cared for me.

~~~Present Time~~~
"You know, some people say we've lost some of that rustic Outer Cavern flavour with the Slugterra Express." A rich passenger chatted with his wife and another snobby, weathly person. "Personally, I'm on the same page as Blakk. I think a little civilisation is just what these areas need." he stated, looking at me and Eli when we pass them with our trays of rich food and drinks, "Oh, waiter, be a good boy and bring out some more of those delicious little bread sticks, won't you?" he asks Eli as I walk ahead of him, quickly opening the door to the staff room and placing down the food tray.

"I don't know which one is worse, wearing this stupid tight, waitress corest and short skirt or these snobby and perverted idiots." I mumbled, quickly patted my skirt so it doesn't raise up again. Eli comes in after me and places his tray down next to mine, trying to loosen his collar. "Oh, quit complaining. You guys agreed to this, remember?" Twist said, coming out from the darkness. "Got the security card." Twist informed, holding up a small keycard in front of us. "Let's do this, then!" Eli said, pressing onto his earpiece, "Can everyone read me?" Eli asked, as I struggled to keep my skirt down.

"Naturally and as always." I hear Pronto say from my own earpiece. "In position." Kord replies, his voice reflecting into my ear as well. "We're good to go, Eli." Trixie answered, my earpiece getting all of their answers. "Okay, then let's go steal ourselves a train." Eli turned to me, smirking. I look up at him and smiled back, ready for action.

"Here's what we know, tommorrow night, Blakk is moving a shipment of dark water to a secure facility." Eli placed a toy, Dr Blakk, train on the map of train tracks going around Slugterra, "This isn't your average mark. Blakk's not taking chances." Eli looks at the map as he continues to explain, "We're talking about armed guards, private train, the works. We hit Blakk less than two days ago. Shouldn't he be regrouping?" Trixie asks. I nod and fold my arms, turning to Eli for answers, "Twist?"

"The opposite. If anything, Blakk's stepping up his game. You guys cut his supply by taking out the Deadweed mine, but he's still got plenty." Twist explains as his Thugglet slug jumped across the map. "Twist's Intel suggests dark water is being moved from Blakk's fortress to a depot in the outer caverns." Eli informed, Twist's slug dragging the train towards the area where the train will end up at the end of the ride. "Don't blame him. I wouldn't live on top of that stuff." Trixie comments. "This is it, guys. We pull this off and Dr Blakk is out of the ghoul business for good." Eli turns to us, smiling.

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