Chapter 20- The view of peace from the Hokage mountain

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Before we start,

This is before the explosion happened and before Konoha went into emergency mode.


Naruto is currently on the Hokage mountain sitting on top of his father's Namikaze Minato the fourth Hokage's head. Naruto closed his eyes thinking of what his cousin and her friends said in his dream.

Flashback no jutsu*
(A/N I actually took the effort to go back to ch 14 and type the exact same thing for the flashback)

"Anyways Naruto-kun. We're here to tell you something." said Jugo.

"What is it?" asked Naruto.

"You might be in danger." said Karin biting her lip worried for her little cousin.

"How?" asked Naruto.

"They're coming for you, no, the nine tails. But it's not only one person wanting it. It's two different people but one of them aka the Akatsuki won't strike now. Someone will try though. You have to be careful Naruto." explained Karin.

"The Akatsuki, what's that?" asked Naruto.

"It's an organisation. We can't really explain a lot since someone's coming to wake you up right now." said Orochimaru.

"Wait what about the other person that wants the lazy fuzzball?" asked Naruto.

"Sorry we're about of time to tell you. Bye Naruto love you." said Karin then everyone started fading.

End of flashback not jutsu*

'Who's the other person coming Kura?'  thought Naruto.

'It doesn't matter.' said Kurama.

'Kura?'  asked Naruto.

'It's me Naruto I woke up from your worried thoughts. yawn*' said Kurama yawning.

'Oh sorry. But, you can't really ignore the fact that someone is coming for you. It could cause trouble.'  said Naruto.

'I said it doesn't matter. When that happens then I'll help and protect you. You won't die.' said Kurama.

'That's not what I'm worried about. Sigh* But right now, I know I can trust Sakusa, since Orochimaru and my cousin was the one that warned me. Sakusa knows how to summon snakes and has a curse mark so they've must have been with each other before right?'  said Naruto.

'Who's this Sakusa that you're talking about Naruto?' asked Kurama.

'Wait I thought you already knew Kura.'  said Naruto pointing at Kurama.

'I was too busy sleeping to pay attention.' replied Kurama.

'You lazy fur ball!'  said Naruto.

'Hah!? What did you say Gaki!?' asked Kurama.

'Anyways, can't you look in my memories or something like that? You're technically already in my mind.'  said Naruto.

'Alright.' said Kurama.

Kurama looked at all the memories that included Sakusa in it. His eyes widened slowly recognizing the male in the memories, Kurama let out a small growl that made Naruto curious of why Kurama was acting like that.

'What's wrong Kurama?'  asked Naruto.

'This boy, this boy I know this boy. He's done something bad, very bad. It made some people suffer because of his actions.' said Kurama.

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