Chapter 4- Sasuke's POV

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Sasuke POV*

Danzo did something very horrible to me, he killed nearly my entire clan except for a few Uchihas, my father was also killed which leaved mother extremely sad. Before I left, mother tried to stop me while crying. Why though? I was leaving to get my revenge for our clan, for our families, for her, she was so devastated when father was killed so why? When I got here, Orochimaru looked very happy, looks like he really wanted me here to make an expression. But then, the next thing he said kind of made my heart sting but I had no reason to. 

"So it looks like you came. You came because youw ant to protect a certain blond haired ninja right?" Orochimaru asked.

It made my heart sting.

"No. I'm here for power a revenge for my clan. I no longer have ties with him any longer." I replied.

He looked very surprised like he was never expecting to hear this in a million years. That also made my heart hurt, it was like he was also someone who expected the two of us to live happy together as a family, but.....I left him.

"Oh right. I heard that Danzo defected the village and killed almost every Uchiha. Of course I knew he couldn't kill all because there's no way he could kill Uchiha Itachi or Shisui. Probbaly not even Obito. I bet you felt extremely sad but, it also seems like you've also done something wrong." he said.

I don't understand what he means. Does he mean that I shouldn't have been hanging around with my team and I should've been at home to hopefully help? That's probably it.

"Sigh* Anyways welcome. I'll call Jugo to show you your room. JUGO!" shouted Orochimaru.

A male with orange hair came.

"You called Orochimaru-sama." said the male.

"Jugo. This is Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke this is Jugo. Jugo please show him to his room." said Orochimaru receiving a nod from the orange haired male now known as Jugo.

Jugo showed me around the place then he showed me to my room.

"That's it. Also, There's probably two people you want to avoid. One is a male with white hair named Suigetsu, he's kind of annoying and you can't really get rid of him since he's water. Two is a female with red hair named Karin, she's dating Suigetsu and I really advise you not to approach her or anything. She does have a clan name but I don't see why I should tell you it, you'll know when you meet her, she'll probably tell you. Bye, have a nice rest. Oh also, if you need anything just ask me." said Jugo walking away.

I went into my room and lay down on my bed which honestly was comfortable and started thinking about what they said. And when I say they I meant Orochimaru and Jugo. Orochimaru said I did something wrong and Jugo said not to approach this girl named Karin. Maybe she's also annoying like her boyfriend Suigetsu? But, just how annoying is this Suigetsu anyways? He said she has a clan name as well but he doesn't want to tell me. Oh well, I'll just have to find out when I meet her then. He said I would know when I meet her. Maybe I've seen her somewhere before? But how would he know? Maybe the reason is in her clan name. Yeah, that's probably it. Now, what does Orochimaru mean by what he said? I got a few things I think he might mean but a feeling inside me is saying that it's all wrong. 

Also, why did my heart sting when he mentioned 'a certain blond haired ninja'? Maybe because I feel guilty? Is it because I miss him? But, I have no right to say I miss him. It was my decision, my choice and I did it. All of this was a choice and I chose it and the second I chose it, I broke all ties with him. Sigh* I guess only time will tell. Only then will I understand what they mean and why my heart reacts when anyone mentions him. Sigh*

To be continued...


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It's shorter than other chapters though but, if you have read the first book of this then you'll also see the chapters are just random and there's not a specific amount of words I at least right in one chapter.

!DISCLAIMER: Naruto does not belong to me!

Next chapter: Family is always first

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