lots of skeletons pt 2

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-"hey!" his deep voice called for you as you went further into the undiscovered forest.

you ignored his voice.

-"im talking to you!" bellamy stepped over a log, struggling to follow behind you.

-"i know." you said, nonchalantly.  

-"it's dangerous out here! we dont know what in these woods!" bellamys eyes were sharp and alert.

-"well then that would be one less person you have to worry about, anyways it wont affect the ark once i get this band off, either way they'll think i'm dead." you turned smirking after your smart comment.

bellamy rolled his eyes, you both were surrounded by tall trees and bushes.

a rustling of the bushes put bellamy back into captain mode.

-"back to camp. now." his voice was low.

-"relax, its probably a bunny." you turned back and started walking again.

bellamy groaned.

-"come back." he kept his voice low.

-"you dont tell me what to do boy!" you yelled out as you went further into the forest.

bellamy sighed and looked back, seeing the tiniest bit of the camp.

your piercing scream made his head whip right back around, you were out of sight.

-"bellamy!" you cried out.

his eyes flooded with concern as he started running in your direction.

a grounder had you pinned with a knife to your throat, his eyes were dark.

-"chit are Yu?" you didnt understand him.

{what are you?}

your heart beat was so loud it ran up through your ears, you had your lips pursed and your breathing was deep.

-"answer Ai!" the knife got closer as his voice got louder.

{answer me!}

-"let her go!" bellamy stared the man down, pointed a gun at him.

the grounder got up and came closer to bellamy, bellamy closed his eyes and shot.

the sound of the gun moved through the forest, it caused a flashback that you had tried to keep buried.


"let her go!" you screamed at commander luke, pointing a gun at him.

he was above your mother, blood surrounded her as her lifeless eyes stared at you.

you closed your eyes as tears escaped, you didnt mean to but you pulled the trigger.


-"get up, get up." bellamy mumbled as he pulled you up.

the trip back to camp was quiet, you were still in shock, bellamy was a bit shaken up but he tried to hide it.

-"when i killed commander luke," you kept your eyes on the floor, "i didn't mean to, i didn't want to. even though he took everything from me, i'm not like that."

-"he deserved it." bellamy reassured you.

-"i try to tell myself that everyday blake."

part two was requested by @0Izard !!!

sorry its a bit short but i hope you enjoyed it!!

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