kiss me

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you stepped out of your tent.

-"(y/n), make yourself useful and fetch some water at the river." murphy ordered.

you had just woken up and now you had a barking dog stuck on a leash, ordering you around.

-"yes sir." you mocked, saluting him.

he rolled his eyes, and passed you a bucket. you walked off to the gates.

-"(y/n)! wait!" clarke called for you.

-"what's up clarke?" you asked.

-"i heard you're going to the river, could you get some more of the medical seaweed?"

-"yeah sure." you smiled.

-"thanks." she handed you a sack.

you walked through the forest alone, taking in the nature.

-"kiss me," you hummed the ancient song.

-"swing, swing." you rocked the bucket in your hand, skipping a few lyrics.

-"swing the spinning step." you twirled around.

-"you wear those shoes and i will wear that dress, oh oh oh." you sang.

you heard a snap and you quickly jumped back, silencing yourself.

-"sorry," bellamy walked out from behind a tree, "no one should be out here alone." he scratched the back of his neck.

your cheeks turned into a faded pink.

-"oh, um, okay." you nodded.

-"where are you off to?" he asked.

-"the river." you answered.

he straightened himself.

-"okay, lead the way." he bowed.

you smiled.

he put his head up to see your reaction.

-"well come on, let's go." you laughed and led the way.

the walk was silent.

-"what were you singing before?" bellamy asked breaking the silence.

you cleared your throat, not knowing that he heard you before.

-"oh, it's called, kiss me by sixpence none the richer." you answered.

bellamy nodded in acknowledgment.

-"you have a nice voice, by the way." bellamy told you.

-"thanks." you smiled up at the boy.

ever since that day bellamy would walk with you everyday to the river to either get water or medicine and each day you started getting a little bit closer.

-"hey, (y/n)!" bellamy greeted as he jogged up to you.

-"hey, bell." you smiled.

-"do you want to go hunting? we're short a person and maybe you can use the knives i've been showing you." he asked.

-"okay, i have nothing better to do." you giggled and playfully nudged him.

you both walked to the gate and bellamy handed you two knives.

-"a spare one just in case you drop the other one." he smirked.

-"that was an accident, you scared me and i accidentally dropped it." you complained.

-"whatever." bellamy playfully rolled his eyes, his smirk never leaving his face.

you trailed behind the group with bellamy.

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