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you were crouching beside your best friend, who looked as if he just walked out of a blood bath.

-"murphy." you scolded the bloodied boy as you rinsed the cloth.

murphy was meant to be banned but he suddenly stumbled back into camp claiming he was being chased by grounders.

connor and another boy stood at his side, glaring at him in the corner of their eye.

-"where is that son of a bitch." you closed your eyes when you heard bellamys deep voice boom through the dropship.

you continued to help wash murphy's face.

you could feel bellamys deathly glare drilling the back of your head.

-"get away from him, (y/n)." bellamy warned with clarke by his side.

you turned to bellamy, raising an eyebrow.

-"he's an unarmed teenage boy, what's he gonna do?" you sassed back, turning back to the boy.

-"he says he was being chased by grounders." conner stepped forward.

-"anyone see grounders?" bellamy searched for a voice to answer him, but all he got was shaking of heads.

-"alright then." he aimed his gun at murphy but finn put the gun down.

-"he's not lying, he was tortured." clarke announced.

-"you don't believe him?" you scoffed.

-"why would you believe a murderer?" bellamy asked.

you stood and looked the boy over.

although he was extremely attractive, he was also a jerk.

-"oh really? and, please bellamy, remind me who he murdered?" you rose an eyebrow and placed your hands on your hips.

bellamy stayed silent.

-"that's what i thought." you muttered.

once you walked out and passed him, his jaw clenched and he pursed his lips.

you were sitting in your tent, sharpening your knife.

you felt a light liquid feeling fall from your nose.

you wiped it with the back of your hand.

you noticed your hand was stained red.

you stood up immediately.

-"what the..?" you rarely got blood noses so you were extremely confused.

you stepped out of your tent, having a woozy feeling throughout your body.

-"(y/n), are you okay?" monty asked as he walked by.

you stuck your hand out to keep him away as you threw up.

montys eyes grew wide when he saw the blood.

he quickly ran off as you spat out blood.

-"(y/n)." clarkes reached for you.

you stepped away from the blonde, gasping for air.

-"(y/n), you have to let me help." she informed.

you shook your head, not wanting the girl to get sick.

bellamy walked over, concern was clear in his eyes.

-"what's going on?"

you wanted them to step away.

-"(y/n)." clarke called your name again, this time she walked forward.

you tried to step away again but you stumbled over your feet.

bellamy caught you before you could hit the floor.

you looked up at the boy and tried to wiggle out of his grip but your body felt weak.

-"(y/n), stop fighting." he ordered.

he picked you up, bridal style, and made his way to the dropship.

he gently placed you onto a mat.

-"you'll get sick, it could be contagious." you managed to tell him.

he just looked you over, seeing your pale figure made him weak in the stomach.

you started to violently cough.

-"turn her on her side!" clarke instructed, more like yelled.

bellamy turned you on your side, away from him.

blood poured out of your mouth, you gasped for air once again.

you spat the majority of the blood out and turned over on your back.

you were scared. hearing about the boy, not too far from you, had just died frightened you even more.

tears and the mixture of blood ran down your face as you softly whimpered.

-"hey, hey." bellamy removed the strands of hair sticking to your forehead.

-"i-im so scared, bell." this was the first time you showed emotion towards bellamy.

-"i know." he sighed sympathetically.

-"here." clarke whispered, passing him a wet rag.

he smiled, thanking her.

he faced you and started to clean you up.

-"this isn't how i imagined dying." you muttered.

-"good, because this isn't the way you'll be dying." he told you.

-"bell..." you reached up to his face, "you don't know that."

-"yes," his clenched his jaw, "i do."

your hand fell back to your side, and you stared up at the ceiling.

-"but i feel like im dying," your eyes fixed onto the boy, "you were good to me."

-"(y/n), you're going to be fine." he reassured.

-"if you say so, boss." you slipped into a deep slumber.

you awoke on a blue hammock, breathing in the smell of blood and dryness.

you licked your dry lips.

-"hey," bellamy smiled handing you a cup of water, "i told you, you were going to be fine."

-"i guess bellamy blake always get his way." you took a gulp of the fresh, cool water.

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