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Keiji and i drive up to my old home.

i state out the window for a moment before reaching for the door handle. Keiji gives me a reassuring smile before i get out of the car.

i look to my left and can't help but notice the 'for sale' sign with the 'sold' label on it.

i speed walk to the front door and knock on it.

no one answers at first.

i knock again, for frantically this time.

a few seconds later a couple answer the door.

"oh, hello there." the man cracks a small smile.  "is everything okay?"

"i um.. i'm looking for my sister and my mother.." i stutter as my eyes begin to water.

"what's your name sweetie?" the man's husband answers.

"i'm.. [name] [last name]." i manage to choke out.

Keiji obviously reads the situation and exits the car.

"and who's this honey?" the man who answered the door asks me.

"this is my boyfriend. my mother kicked me out so i've been living with him." i rub my eyes.

"oh sweetheart i'm so sorry. we just bought this house from your mother." the man reaches for his husbands hand.

"then.. where did Yuki.. go?" Keiji wraps and arm around me and thanks the couple, before helping me back to the car.


"why did they leave without telling me?" i ask quietly.

Keiji and i lay in bed together. his arms keep me firmly pressed to his own body.

"it's okay [name]. you'll find Yuki one day." Keiji consoles.

"this is all her fault." i begin to tear up again. "if she didn't want me why didn't she just abort me."

"[name]. don't say that." Keiji rolls over so he's on top of me, hands on the bed on either side of my head. "i don't care if she wants you or not. i want you. i love you okay? and i don't know where i would be right now without you."

"i'm sorry Keiji." i immediately feel the guilt of my previous words crashing down on me.

he lowers his head into the crook of my neck, he then lets his body drop.

"it's okay." he murmurs, planting a kiss on my neck.

he begins to try to move back to our old position, but i shake my head.

"stay like this please. i feel safe."

"anything for you."


sorry about the short chapter, the bottled emotions are rising again and i really can't function rn 😀

i hope you're all doing well!! love you guys!!

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