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please read my other book "hear" before reading this one as it it's the sequel☹︎

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please read my other book "hear" before reading this one as it it's the sequel

the noises of my mother and her newest parter ring through the small household. i cringe and rub my sisters back soothingly while she clings to my body, her face buried in my chest.

my mother is revolting. she makes me want to vomit. just looking at her is a trigger.

we've stopped talking for the most part. only a few exchanges happen every so often, usually fighting or just a question here or there.

i cover my sisters exposed ear with my free hand, shielding her from the lewd, disgusting noises coming from down the hallway.

i've recently been searching for a way out of this miserable household.

i've started an after school job and have been saving up for an apartment for when i go to university, that way i can bring my sister Yuki with me. hopefully i'll be able to afford to go to the same university as my soulmate, Akaashi Keiji, that way i probably wouldn't have to worry about an apartment as he might let me live with him.

my eyes flicker to the digital clock beside my bed. it reads three thirty in the morning. i have to leave for school in about three hours as i have morning practice.

complaining to Akaashi is not an option right now. usually i would go straight to the ravenette but it's three thirty in the morning. no one likes being woken up at an ungodly hour like this.

the noises finally stop. i let out a sigh and uncover Yuki's ears.

we eventually drift off to sleep.


three hours later i am awoken by an alarm clock.

i hit the top of the alarm clock and stop the annoying beeping noise. i wake Yuki up fully and get her out of bed.

i've been dropping her off at her friends houses a lot, they always offer to take care of her for me in the mornings. all of them seem to be aware of our situation. it's nice.

Yuki walks quietly into her room and gets dressed while put on my practice clothes, grab my uniform, gym shoes, water bottle, knee pads, and school bag ready to go.

i pack Yuki's lunch, make toast then rush out the door, my sister hot on my trail.

we jog slowly down the road, making our way to Yuki's friends house.

i wait for her to be let into the house before jogging off towards the school again.

mornings would be a lot easier if i lived on campus lol the other volleyball players.

i probably could have secured one this year, as most of the third years have moved on to university. Semi Eita, Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendou Satori the some of the players who have moved onto university.

i must admit, shiratorizawa's boys volleyball team isn't much without them.

i walk into the gym. i'm the first one to arrive surprisingly, but it's good that i'm here first. i'm captain this year for some reason and i need to get my team to nationals again.

it's been difficult so far. some of the first years that are currently trying out are pretty snarky and think they're better than everyone else.

i have quite a lot of say in who makes it this year because i am captain. it's nice to get some attention for once.

i turn the lights on in the gym and run up to the club room. i unlock the door then hurry back to the gym.

i unlock the storage closet and begin getting the net out, i have to wait for another teammate to get here to put the net up.

i wheel out the volleyballs and start spiking against the wall.

"good morning." i think to Akaashi, not really expecting him to reply. it's pretty early in the morning.

"good morning [name]. how are you? did you sleep well?" he asks.

"eh.. not really. my mom was yknow. getting at it last night at like three thirty in the morning. so Yuki and i didn't sleep very much." i explain to him.

"why don't you just come live with me. you could go to fukurodani with me, then we could be together all the time." he offers, once again.

"you know i can't. i'm captain now, and yuki has school here and all of her friends are here. i can't just leave." i pout.

"but i miss you. i want to see your pretty face again."

the ball collides with my 'pretty face'.

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