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Keiji's family welcomed me with open arms. Keiji had already informed them of my situation and had said it was okay for me to stay with them for the rest of the time left until university.

i still feel stressed though. i don't know who's going to take care of Yuki and i have absolutely no way of contacting her.

Keiji let me sleep in his bed the night i arrived, he even lent me on of his t-shirts for me to sleep in as mine had gotten wet from the snow.

i will finish school at fukurodani academy and i've already secured a new job at a nearby coffee shop. luckily my mother had reluctantly agreed to pay for my schooling at fukurodani so i would still be able to pay to go to university.

today i'm going to try to get into the girls fukurodani volleyball team.

Keiji and i walk to the gym together holding hands.

"you'll be okay. just call if you need me." he gives me a quick hug before leaving for his own practice. i wave at him as he leaves.

i enter the gym and look around. only a few girls are here, all of them getting ready.

"you're the new girls who's trying out right? damn you're tall? do you play middle?" the short girl bombards me with questions.

"no i was actually the ace on my old team, i'm usually left side." i reply, scratching the back of my head.

"this is already awful."

"you've got this [name]. just get through this practice."

"you've got competition Aoi-san!" the short, straightforward girl yells.

the girl known as Aoi looks me up and down.

"yeah she's good. i've seen her before she was at the japan training camp thing last year." fukurodani's ace says.

"what!?" the short girl yells. "you're kidding?! what school are you from?"

"shiratorizawa." i reply.

"no way! you're [name] [last name] aren't you?!" she screams. i wince and nod.

"oh my god! we're going to win nationals this year! forget about just getting there!" the loud girl yells excitedly.

"calm down Maki. that isn't a sure thing." the taller girl pats the short girl on the head.

"do you guys call each other by first names?" i ask. they all nod and tilt their heads at me. "do you mind if i do the same?"

"yes of course! you're part of our team now so you're part of the family!" the short girl known as Maki exclaims.

"but i haven't even tried out yet." i begin.

"doesn't matter! we know you're crazy good! you'll fit in well here, with you and Aoi no one will be able to stop us. you're also good at serving right? we need people with more powerful serves like yours." Maki speaks up again.

"nevermind maybe i will like this."

"i told you you would."


i wave at my new teammates as i leave the gym. Keiji waits for me outside.

"so? how was it?" he asks me, reaching for my hand.

"somewhat exhausting, but everyone was really nice and they already knew who i was so they didn't even make me try out." i smile a little, taking his hand.

"do you have work tonight?" he asks.

"no. i do tomorrow morning though. from five to seven. weird hours right?" i laugh a little.

"yeah those hours are weird. why do you have them?" he cocks one eyebrow.

"we'll i just have to open the store with one other girl that works there, then we go to school then take another shift after school. in my case i'll be closing because i have to go to practice first." i explain. "it is awkward but i need the money so i'm happy to do it."

"you work sundays too, correct?" he asks.

"yup!" i confirm.

"you seem a lot happier." he smiles a little, giving my hand a little squeeze.

"i feel a lot happier, i really like it here Keiji." i smile are the ground. "i do miss Yuki though. i hope she's okay."

"we'll go see her soon." Keiji assures, stopping to give me a hug.

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