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my shaky hands being the pregnancy test into view. at this point i'm panicking. i'm still in university, and i can't take care of a baby.

i open my eyes and view stare at the two red lines on the test.

hot tears spill out of my eyes as i fall to the floor.

choking, screaming, crying noises fill the gross university dorm bathroom.

"babe!? what's the problem?" my boyfriend rushes into the bathroom, looking worried. his worried expression was an act.

"i'm pregnant!" i cry, covering my face.

"what!? that's great! why are you crying?" he takes a seat on the floor beside me.

"you think it's great?" i ask, looking at him.

"yes of course."

i smile widely at him as he brushes my tears away. i'm gullible.

"so... do i keep it?" i ask hesitantly.

"if that's what makes you happy." he smiles.

i smile in return and nod frantically. "i'll keep it!"


it's been a week since our little [name] was born.

she's a sweet and quiet baby, only really having a fit when she's hungry or when she's tired.

my boyfriend has been gone a lot lately with work. he works tirelessly to support us. he's such a sweet hardworking guy.


[name] and i watch the cheating bastard leave.

he says goodbye to his 'beloved' daughter and i, then climbs into his car and drives away to who knows where.

"mommy? where's daddy going?" [name] asks me, sounding quite upset.

"away." i answer blankly, before leaving her standing by herself on the front porch.

she obviously somehow understood what was happening. later that day i caught her crying a few times. i never bothered to comfort her.

it's her fault he left.

this is where i began going out and drinking with friends and meeting new guys.

i eventually made a name for myself in the sex industry.

people got ahold of my contact information and payed hourly for my services, but once and awhile i would look on a dating app for a guy i might actually like.

every single attempt ended up just being a fling.


"i'm sorry [name]."

"it's not your fault it's mine."

"but you'll have to go soon too."

(guys that was all moms pov)

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