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today is the day Akaashi is coming to visit. the excitement is overwhelming.

i clean the house once again and wait for him to arrive.

"hey Yuki?!" i call. she scurries into the room. "i asked one of your friends mothers to come pick you up today. i'm going out with someone."

"oh okay! do i get to meet them?" she asks enthusiastically.

"you can if you'd like to meet him then we can pick you up after." i smile at her.

"it's a boy? [name] is he your boyfriend?" Yuki asks, her eyes sparkling.

"i guess you could call him that." i smile.

there's a knock on the front door, Yuki bolts to answer it.

"Tanji!" she cheers at the sight of her best friend.

i walk to the door and thank Tanji's mother.

"be good okay Yuki? i'll come pick you up around five or six." i instruct.

"[name]! can Yuki stay for a sleepover pretty please?" Tanji begs.

"of course she can. as long as it's okay with your mother." i say, once again finding myself smiling.

"thank you!" Tanji cheers.

"but [name]! when am i going to meet your boyfriend?" she asks, looking a little defeated.

"don't worry Yuki. he's staying here tonight, you'll be able to meet him tomorrow." i smile at her.

i wave goodbye as the group walks down the pathway. i enter the house again and continue waiting for Akaashi Keiji to arrive.

i look myself over in the mirror again, hoping i look presentable.

my outfit consists of a white skirt, since it's kind of warm out today and a collared top under a navy blue sweatshirt.

i jump when i hear the front door open. i turn to see my mom walk into the living room.

"you look somewhat presentable." she monotones, looking me up and down. "you going out with the friends you don't have?"

i almost visibly wince at her words, they hurt a bit cause it's the truth.

"no. i'm actually going out with someone." i inform her bluntly. 

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