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life at fukurodani academy was very different.

the hierarchy was weird compared to shiritorizawa. it's your stereotypical, one really pretty popular group and other rival groups.

the other thing that kinda sucks is that Keiji is pretty popular himself. i mean why wouldn't he be? he's pretty, nice and he plays volleyball, yet he still hangs out with me a lot of the time, unless he's in the gym having a volleyball meeting at lunch.

if he can't eat with me at lunch i usually hang out by myself, or with some of the girls from my volleyball team. mainly the other third years.

i still don't feel comfortable with them and i don't completely know their names yet but they're nice.

right now i'm waiting outside of the gym for Keiji to finish his meeting.

they have preliminaries soon so they've been practicing their asses off.

first the first years walk out, they wave at me since they've seen me with Keiji.

i decide it would be okay for me to enter the gym.

the third years and the second years talk amongst themselves.

i shuffle over awkwardly until Keiji spots me and waves me over.

"Akaashi, is that your girlfriend?" a second year asks. he simply nods and excuses himself, telling everyone else they can leave as well.

he offers me his hand. i smile softly and take it.

"sorry about that. were you waiting long?" he asks me.

"no i wasn't there for long. i couldn't find you so i thought you'd be in there." i reply.

"you could have just called me you know." he smiles at me a little.

"i know but i figured you'd be talking and i didn't want to interrupt you." i reply.

he lets go of my hand and wraps his one arm around my waist, pulling me into a little side hug.

"i love you." he smiles.

"i love you too."


we go home first so i can eat before my shift begins.

Keiji's puppy greets us at the door. she's a pure bred german shepherd.

shes taken quite the liking to me actually, she follows me around the house quite often, even if i don't have food with me.

she follows us up to Keiji's bedroom and jumps onto his bed, almost begging for me to pet her.

i stare at her, reading her for a moment before smiling and reaching out to her.

"you're a softy." Keiji teases.

"what do you mean?!" i exclaim, turning to glare at him.

"with people you care about. you're a big softy." he approaches me a wraps his arms around my waist.

"i am not! your puppy is just cute!" i squirm.

"you're a softy with Yuki too, and me." he whispers, poking me in the side.

i flick him on the forehead before kissing him on the cheek.

"maybe you're right." i smile a little.


sorry about the short chapter my wattpad is broken and i just now figured out how to edit my drafts so this is all you'll be getting. the next chapter will probably be the last but i will end up making a third book where you and akaashi are in university.

i'm thinking about either making you a professional volleyball player or an engineer because math.

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