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i wake up, once again feeling warm. Keiji's slender toned body is pressed next to mine, his arm holding me close.

i check my clock and decide it would be okay to wake Keiji up.

"Keiji.." i begin, patting his head. "we should get up and go to the gym."

his pretty green eyes flutter open and stare at me.

"i don't want to right now. you're warm." he moves his arms to my waist and pulls me on top of him.

"Keiji i want you to set to me let me go!" i whine, kicking my legs and tossing the sheets around. "and my sister wants to meet you! can we go please!"

"no." he mumbles into my neck.



he rolls off the bed and pulls me with him. he lands on top of me.

he props himself onto his hands, placing them both beside my head. he just stares at me with his usual monotone look.

"Keiji i have a question." i murmur. he hums in reply.

"are we a yknow, a couple?" i ask hesitantly.

"i consider us a couple." Keiji replies. "we are soulmates after all."

i smile at him and cup his cheek with my hand.

he lowers his head and presses his lips to mine.


we walk together to shiritorizawa.

Keiji had guessed i would want to play volleyball today, and so, he brought his volleyball stuff.

the entire gym is empty except for Shirabu, Goshiki and one of my own teammates, Mari Yokoyama.

"hey! [name]!" she calls, waving violently at me.

"hi Yokoyama-san." i smile at her.

"oh! who's this? he's not from here is he?" she interrogates.

"[name].. is this your boyfriend..?" Goshiki says in awe. i nod slowly at him.

"you're Akaashi Keiji right? from fukurodani? you're their setter right?" Shirabu bombards Keiji with questions. he just nods to all of them.

"Yokoyama! team up with me. Akaashi. you and [name] can be partners." Shirabu imposes. "then we can play two on two."

"i don't think i want to play against [name], her hits scare me." Yokoyama mumbles.

"you'll be fine. you two get ready. cmon Yokoyama, let's warm up." he grabs her wrist and drags her over to their side of the court.

"so i don't get to play?" Goshiki yells, chasing after them.

"you can ref idiot." Shirabu answers.

"welcome to shiritorizawa." i sigh. he laughs a little and follows me to our side of the court.

"are they any good?" Keiji asks.

"Shirabu is a good setter and
Yokoyama is a good blocker, but it's nothing we can't handle.

we soon begin the game, Yokoyama serves first.

i groan as Keiji gets the first touch, they obviously planned that. they don't want me to hit.

"Keiji." i set the ball as best i can and watch him approach. his hits aren't half bad.

he aims it a Shirabu, so he doesn't get the chance to set anything up.

Yokoyama sets it up for Shirabu. the set isn't very good but it's definitely high enough to hit.

Shirabu hits it weird and i get to receive it this time. i receive it nicely and send it straight to Keiji.

i start my approach and he sets the ball perfectly. in a instant the ball collides with my then the floor.

"that was crazy! our timing was perfect!" i cheer, running towards him with my arms spread wide.

he accepts my hug with a small smile.


we arrive at Tanji's house to pick Yuki up. as soon as i knock on the door and thank Tanji's mother Yuki is out the door and running towards the car.

she's obviously excited to meet Keiji.

"[name]! open the door for me please! can i sit in the front with your boyfriend? pretty please? the drive home isn't that long!" she begs. i laugh a little and nod at her.

i approach the car and open the door for her.

she climbs into the front seat and looks Keiji over.

"hi! i'm Yuki [last name]! it's nice to meet you [name]'s boyfriend!" she sticks out her smaller hand and waits for Keiji to shake it.

i sigh and climb into the backseat. i'm not sure how Yuki can always be so outgoing.

"it's nice to meet you too [last name]. i'm Keiji Akaashi." he greets her and shakes her hand.

"please call me by my first name! you'll mix me up with [name]!" Yuki giggles.

"i now see why you don't want to leave her behind [name]." i spot a small smile across his lips as he listens to Yuki chatter away.

"she's sweet isn't she." i smile.

"Keiji is going to drop us off at home then he has to go okay Yuki?" i say.

"awe okay." she pouts. "why does he have to go!? he's so nice!"

"i know Yuki. i don't want him to leave either."

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